Chapter 5 || Puzzles

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Your head immediately snapped towards the direction of the yelling, your eyes widening in shock. Soon after the yell, an angry blonde stormed his way into the room, his teeth grinding against each other, as you figuratively saw his glasses crack from his anger. The blood rushing to his face as he got angrier. The taller male practically speed-marched his way over to Dazai, and 'SMACK'.

Your jaw hung loose as you had just witnessed the slightly shorter brunette get a proper whack to the head.


Dazai howled in pain as he rubbed the back of his head rapidly with his hand, hoping it would do something to get rid of the pain.


The blonde screamed, waving his arms angrily in the air, his long, slim ponytail bobbing with his movements.






Dazai called out to snap the male out of his tantrum and back into reality. He put his hands on his hips, grinning wildly at the male.


The male, apparently called Kunikida, raged on. Dazai only pointed at you with a cocky grin plastered on his face. Kunikida's face turned red again, now in embarrassment. He pushed his glasses up, and cleared his throat,

"Apologies, I didn't seem to notice that you were here."

His voice was now calm, and collected. His face seemed to return to its natural color once more. His hair was styled perfectly. His bangs were parted from the side, one chunk covering his forehead the other leaning on the side of his face. His deep grey-green eyes scanning you wearily, while yours did the same to him. He wore a yellowish-beige vest, over a long black sleeved shirt, a pair of pants that matched the color of the vest, with some brown plain shoes, and to top it all off a red ribbon tied into a shape of a bow around the collar.

Now he is the kind of boy your parents told you to stay around when you were a child. You knew yourself better than anyone, and despite being very attractive, he wasn't your type. Your type consisted of brown, messy hair, loose clothing, a relaxed personality— and now you just realized you were describing the brunette before you, who was looking back at you with the same mischievous glint in his eyes. What hid behind those eyes? Actually, you may have figured out part of it.

"I'm assuming you're miss [L/N]." Kunikida started, as he had finished analyzing you.

"Yes, I am, but [Y/N] is just fine, thank you." You nodded your head respectfully at the young man before you.

You heard a voice of a female purr frown behind you, "Another woman?"

You looked to your side, you caught sight of a beautiful woman, she had black hair which was cut into a bob cut, with a golden butterfly pin holding onto her hair. Her violet eyes stared deeply into your [E/C] eyes. Her outfit consisted of a white silk shirt, with a black tie wrapped around her neck, and a simple black, knee-long skirt, with some simple deep crimson red pair of heels.

"I'm Yasano Akiko."

She smiled warmly at you, putting her hand out for you to shake. You gladly took it and shook it gently.

"[Y/N] [L/N]."

You responded while shaking the other woman's hand.

"Dazai-San! I did y—"

The male paused as his eyes met yours, he blinked in shock.


He said nervously, waving his hand awkwardly in your direction, an awkward smile spreading across his face. His uneven bangs allowed a strand of white hair to flow down beside his left cheek. He wore a white button-up with sleeves pushed down to his elbow, a loose black tie around his neck that draped down lazily across the shirt, black pants, a pair of black fingerless gloves. He wore suspenders with a long stretch of the belt dangling loosely from the buckle. That's strange. The belt reminded you of some kind of cat tail.

"I-I'm Atsushi Nakajima."

He stuttered slightly, it was clear he was very bad at communicating, but you smiled reassuringly at him.

"My name's [Y/N] [L/N], nice to meet you Atsushi."You responded softly.

"I'm Kunikida Doppo, Tanizaki is currently on a mission, and I assume you know Dazai Osamu."

Kunikida looked down at you slightly due to his tall height.

"Yes, I know him, barely."

"I'll give you a little background—"

Suddenly the playful voice of the brunette interrupted the easily angered blonde, earning a small grunt from Kunikida as he did so.

"Kunikidaaa! Let her play the guessing game! It's always more fun like that!"

"Fine." Kunikida sighed quietly in aggravation.

You tilted your head then turned to Dazai.  You stared deeply into his eyes. He stared back at yours curiously.

"You're definitely hard to figure out."

You nodded then thought back a bit, trying to recall if Kunikida had said anything about Dazai during is tantrum.

"You're a slacker in other people's eyes, but you find that it's more efficient if someone does it for you because that report that is in Atsushi's hands was meant to be yours, however you were too lazy to do it."

You explained calmly, while looking into Dazai's brown eyes, a void you could get lost in. Dazai only smiled at your remark.

"You have quite the eye, mi amor."

He said with a loving gaze at you. You scoffed in response rolling your eyes.

"It's only basic common sense."

Dazai shrugged it off, stretching his arms up into the air and letting a loud yawn escape his mouth, as a result, small tears formed at the corners of his eyes.

"Dazai, I swear to God, if you say that you're going to-" kunikida's sentence was cut short.

"I'm going to listen to music!"

Dazai interjected cheerily, putting his hands back into his pockets.


The blonde male raged in fury, you only watched in amusement. Dazai was so much more than what others saw. His mind was a spiraling staircase that never ended. He was intriguing to you.

To Dazai you were a ticking time bomb, he never knew what you were going to do, which was shocking, Dazai almost always knew everything. You were his little mystery, his puzzle to solve, a rubix cube that he couldn't solve.

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