Chapter 7 || Bar Lupin

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A/N - This chapter is mainly focusing on Dazai's point of view, I'm sure you all wanna know what's going on in that mastermind's head


The three cups clashed together gently, as the three males made a toast.

"Say, Odasaku."


The older male's brown irises shifted towards the teenager wrapped in bandages. His red-orange hair swayed gently as he shifted his head to the side a little to see the younger brunette better.

"Do you think Snow White committed suicide?"

"It's a kids story, why would they—"

"It could be a possibility."

Oda interrupted Ango mid-speech.

"You're seriously following in this guy's theory?"

Ango asked, if Dazai had to be honest he never liked the man. He was too practical for his liking. Too ... boring. Ango's glasses shined under the light. His hair gelled down to his sides and back. Something about that hairstyle made his face so punchable to Dazai. What pissed him off more was the annoyingly placed mole above his lip, it was way too close to his top lip. It annoyed Dazai. He didn't know why, the male just aggravated him. Though he could make a good ally in the future.

"I never said I agreed. I said it could have been a possibility."

Oda stated taking a sip of his drink once more. Placing his lips on the edge of the cup and taking an elegant sip. Dazai on the other hand placed his lips on the cup and chugged it all in one breath. Ango only stared at him in distaste. Dazai only grinned at Ango.

"Oh what am I going to do now Odasaku?"

He tilted his head down slightly, letting a small laugh escape his lips as he turned to his right side. A cup placed for the empty seat beside him. A white flower hung from the edge of the cup. Dazai only smiled softly.

"She's so stubborn."

He held the drink with one hand, and shook it in a circular motion, the metallic brown liquid swirling around slight. The ice sphere in the center hit the edges of the cup slightly, earning a soft 'clink' every now and then.

"It's getting late now. I think I'll be heading home."

Dazai smiled widely at the empty seat beside him, he obviously knew no one would be sat there, but he still wanted to feel like someone was. He took a sip from his drink and placed the cup down again. Sighing to himself, he walked his way out of the bar. He let go of the door behind him and let it close itself. He craned his head upwards to look at the sign of the bar.

Bar Lupin.

Those words written in cursive. Those words written on the sign. Those same very words that brought him and his friend together. Ango was never his friend. He knew it, and so did Ango probably. He allowed the light of the moon to shower him in its white light.

He felt like he was on a stage. A stage where he was alone. Where the only thing was him. What's the purpose of a Romeo with no Juliet? However another light shone into his world, one brighter than the sun itself. He wanted to take that light and dance with it until no end. Forevermore, if you will.

Dazai opened the door to his apartment, placing his hand on the light switches and turning on the lights with the satisfying 'click click' of the light switch.

"Honey, I'm home!"

He called out cheerily to his currently empty house, a smile on his face, before he sighed and took off his shoes by the door and shut the door with his foot behind him. He allowed himself to flop face first onto his beige couch. The fabric hugging him immediately as he landed on it harshly.

"Just kidding, I live alone."

Dazai mumbled into the couch miserably. Sitting up, he sighed, staring down at a magazine. He huffed lazily, picked it up and opened it on a random page.

"Pet equipment."

Dazai hummed out in amusement. He tapped his chin curiously, as his pupils shifted up to look at the ceiling. The dark brown abyss swirling in his eyes, the light from the chandelier reflecting perfectly into his eyes.

"Maybe I should get a cat."

He muttered to himself, slowly closing his eyes, allowing himself to be warmly welcomed by the darkness and drowsiness of sleep. His body instantly relaxing as he drifted off into the land of dreams.


Dazai hummed quietly, stretching his stuff limbs from the long amount of sleep. His mouth stretched open as he let a loud yawn erupt from his throat. He looked at the clock.

"10:15 am. Perfect."

He grinned lazily. This was only one of the many ways he could bust one of Kunikida's nerve. Dazai hummed, putting on the trench coat and adjusting it around his neck. He walked out of his apartment, trotting lazily around the city streets. His hands stuffed into his pockets like they always are.

When he finally made it to the building, he hopped into the elevator and went upwards. Once the doors opened, he was met with the lovely melody of roaring yells.

"Calm down Kunikida I might be coming over now!"

Your voice could be heard trying to stop the raging man from screaming any more.


Dazai only walked in, his movements as smooth as silk. He sauntered his way over to Kunikida and hummed. The two locked eyes, like two cobras challenging each other.

You'd be a liar if you said you didn't feel like you were watching a National Geographic documentary. You'd be even more of a liar, if you said you didn't ask Ranpo for popcorn to watch.

"I'm here now. Is your little hissy fit over, or shall I go back outside for you to continue?"

Kunikida growled in fury, is first raging expression juxtaposed Dazai's expression entirely. Dazai's was calm, collected, relaxed. He was definitely asking to get punched now.


A/N- Y'all hear something?

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