Chapter 1

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I don't own this story the writer is by: NoShoesNoSheldon on Fanfict.Net

Chapters 1-10 is owned by them, I own chapters 11+ ENJOY!

Buford Van Stomm's day went from bad to utterly shit in five minutes flat. He'd woken up late and had to hurry to get ready while his friend/nerd/enemy, Baljeet Rai, tapped his foot impatiently in the doorway of his bedroom and checked his watch. They'd had to walk rather quickly to make it to school on time, and when they'd finally arrived, they learned they were having an assembly instead of first period. It annoyed both boys. Baljeet because he was missing out on precious school time, and Buford because he was missing the only subject he actually enjoyed- P.E.

For Buford, this was only at the crappy stage. It was only when they sat down in the assembly and the guest speakers began their little presentation that everything went downhill. Buford was sitting smack bang in the middle of the hall, Baljeet on one side and Phineas Flynn on the other. As the speakers organized everything and began introducing themselves, Buford pulled a scrap piece of paper from his bag and tore little pieces off, flicking them at Baljeet every few seconds. The smaller boy's fists clenched, but he said nothing.

This continued for several minutes, until the Indian 16-year-old turned to face Buford with a glare and hissed, 'would you pay attention for once?'

'Why?' the larger boy smirked, flicking another piece and grinning in satisfaction when it landed in Baljeet's curly black hair. 'They're only talking about...' he paused, tuning into the speaker's voice so he could finish his sentence.

'Rape, you imbecile,' Baljeet supplied, rolling his eyes. 'They are talking about rape and how to try and prevent it. If you had any sense of decency, you would shut up and listen.'

Buford paled visibly, and to Baljeet's surprise, he closed his mouth and began to listen intently. The woman up the front, who had introduced herself as Beverly, was pointing at the large screen which was showing statistics. 'As you can see, around one in every four women are sexually assaulted or raped,' she was saying. 'This is a horrible thing, and we have to start putting steps in place to prevent it occurring.'

The assembly lasted for an hour, and when the teens were finally let go, Buford headed towards the gym. 'Its second period,' Phineas told him with a frown. 'You don't have P.E.'

'Does it look like I give a fuck?' the larger boy snarled, stalking off. Phineas glanced over at his step-brother, Ferb Fletcher, and Baljeet, confused. Buford was usually snappy, but not to this extent.

Buford didn't bother going inside the gym. He walked behind it and into his favourite hiding place, a small area enshrouded by trees with a fence on one side and the gym on the other. He sat down on the damp grass, not caring his pants were getting wet, and tried to control his breathing. He was mad. Hell, he was furious. 'That goddamn, stupid fucking...' he gritted his teeth, and pulled out his phone. Over the years, Buford had found that talking to complete strangers about his problems was much easier than confiding in a friend. He wasn't a very trusting person by nature, and the only person he would really consider close to him was Baljeet, and he was pretty sure the shrimp only put up with him because he was scared of getting a beating. Buford had found a over-the-phone counselling service years ago, and it was their number he dialed now.

'Welcome to the Teen Help Line,' a smooth female voice greeted him after a few rings. 'Is this your first time calling?'

'Nah, its Buford Van Stomm,' the large boy grunted, running a hand through his short brown hair.

'It's nice to hear from you again,' the voice told him. 'I'll just connect you to your usual counselor.'

There was a click, and there was a long pause. Finally, Buford heard, 'hello, Mary speaking.'

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now