Chapter 12

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"Hey Karl..." Buford said walking into his apartment:

"Hey love." Karl said getting up to hug Buford.

"We need-"

"Wait shh, I bought you a present!" Karl covered Bufords eyes with a blindfold.

"Oh uh you didn't have to." Buford chuckled nervously.

"Nonsense, you are such a good boyfriend so I just had to. Ready? And open!" Karl said

Karl had bought Buford a new Gucci shirt that had a skull on it.

"For shawty." Karl said as he kissed Buford.

"Oh gee, thanks I don't know what to say," Buford fake smiled.

"No need to think me honey." Karl giggled.

"Karl...I can't accept this." Buford said.

"What why?" Karl asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"Karl, I...I still have feelings for jeet..." Buford looks down at the floor.

"What?...." Karl was in shock.

"I'm sorry. Really I am..."

"What does Baljeet have that I don't?" Karl asked.

"Don't compare yourself, you two are really great...But Baljeet is the one I love..."

"But you told me you had to pretend to love him!"

"I first but I began loving him. I'm sorry Karl but this is over," Buford began walking out.

"Curse you!" Karl yelled.

And that was the end of their relationship. Buford was sad but relived at the same time.

"That hard part is over," Buford said. "Now...time to fight for my man,"

By this time it was already eight P.M.

"Shit! I'm late to my own house. Everyone is probably already there!" Buford ran all the way home. Which wasn't to far away.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Buford said as he ran through the door.

"Aye you're here!" Phineas said.

"Yeah heh, is Baljeet here?" Buford asked.

"Is he supposed to come?" Asked Ferb.

"Oh no...I forgot to invite him!" Bufords eyes began watering up.

"Hey don't cry it's okay..." Isabella patted him on the back.

"You guys can go..." Buford began walking up the stairs.

As Buford made it to his bedroom he turned the knob slowly and what was in the other side of the door shocked him.

"Hey...Buford..." It was Baljeet.

"Jeet!" Buford picked him up in his arms.

"They told me everything. About how you never really loved that Karl guy," Baljeet said.

"I broke up with him," Buford said.

"Really?" Baljeet asked.

"Yes...Now I have a question for you..."

"Tell me Buford," Baljeet smiled.

"Will you...will boyfriend?" Buford asked.

"Of course I will! And you don't have to open up to me if you don't want to about your past..." Baljeet hugged Buford.

"No...No more secrets...I don't care anymore...I love you..." Buford replied.

"And I to you," Baljeet said as he kissed the bully on the lips.

"It's about time," Isabella said as her,
Phineas and Ferb were at the door.

They all had a group hug.

"This is perfect guys! Buford with Baljeet, Me and Isabella and Ferb- Ferb who are you dating?" Phineas asked.

"Oh I started dating Vanessa. We smashed last week," He said.

"Okay?" Phineas sounded weirded out. "Anyways, we all have someone special now!" Phineas added.

And they all loved happily ever after. Except for Karl. He ended up killing himself. The end.

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now