Chapter 2

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He really shouldn't have agreed.

Buford was waiting by his letterbox, watching down the road for Baljeet to meet him so they could walk to school together. They'd been doing this every week day for years, so he shouldn't have felt like something was out of place. But he did. And there was.

Chris had outlined the rules for his little 'mission', as he affectionately called it. He'd invited Buford over to his house for a 'friendly meeting' to discuss the details after school the day before. Buford was not allowed to tell anyone that he was being blackmailed. He was allowed some time to ease Baljeet into it, because coming on too strongly might give everything away. If anyone found out Chris was involved, or if Buford refused to do it, the secret would be all over the school by the next day.

At that point Chris had stopped picking dirt from underneath his ragged nails and grinned over at Buford, saying, 'and we all know you wouldn't want that, faggot.'

When Buford had asked for Chris' reasons, the boy had simply shrugged and said that he hated both of them and this would be an entertaining way to make both of them suffer.

Hesitantly, Buford had laid out some rules of his own. He was not going to be forced into having sex of any kind. Chris was disappointed, thinking that Buford fucking Baljeet and then ditching him would have been a great way to hurt both of them, but he didn't push it. Even he had some basic morals. He'd also made it clear that Chris couldn't ask for anything else. This whole mission of his was the only thing Buford would have to do to keep his secret from getting out.

In retrospect, it should have been easy. According to Chris, Baljeet was already attracted to Buford. All he had to do was charm the little brat, sneak a few kisses and then bugger off. But as he watched the dark skinned teenager walk towards him with a bright smile and his usual overflowing bag, he felt a twinge of guilt. Could he really go through with this? Lie to and manipulate his best friend, with the intentions of breaking his heart?

Buford thought of everyone at his school's reactions if they found out his secret.

Oh yes, he could do this.

'Good morning, Buford,' Baljeet stopped in front of him and tilted his head backwards so he could look his former bully in the eyes. 'Did you sleep well?'

He was about to snap something along the lines of 'yeah, sure,' when he thought of the mission. He was going to have to actually make a start in the whole seducing thing at some point. Might as well begin now. He forced a smile and shrugged. 'I slept alright, could have done with a goodnight text though,' he reached out and nudged the boy's side with his elbow. 'How come you never do that? I hear Ferb texts Phineas goodnight every night, and they sleep in the same freakin' room.'

When he saw the tiny blush appear on Baljeet's cheeks, he felt horrible. This was so wrong, he shouldn't be doing this. But he steeled himself. He had to do this. 'I did not realize you wanted me to,' Baljeet grinned up at him and returned the elbow nudge. 'But if you wish, I shall do so tonight.'

'Sounds great, shrimp-' he stopped for a moment, gritting his teeth. Calling the brat 'shrimp' would get him no where. 'I mean, sounds great, 'Jeet.'

'You seem to be in an uncharacteristically good mood, today,' Baljeet commented as they began to head towards their school. 'Any particular reason?'

At first, Buford was confused. Why the hell would the brat think he was in a good mood? He was in a shitty mood. But then again, he was in a shitty mood almost all of the time, but today he wasn't taking it out on Baljeet due to the mission. That must be why. 'I've been, ah...' he cleared his throat, glancing away as he felt a blush rise to his cheeks, embarrassed at what he was forcing himself to say. 'I've been missing our alone time together, you know? We're always surrounded by other people.'

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now