Chapter 9

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He was late.

After first period they usually had five minutes to get to their next class. He'd quickly gone to the bathroom in those five minutes and then ended up going on a detour because he thought he saw one of the buildings on fire, but it turned out to just be a load of smoke coming from one of the chemistry classrooms. By the time he stopped staring and remembered he was supposed to be in class, he was already ten minutes late and the room was on the other side of the school. He hurried through the deserted corridors, not really worrying all that much. His teacher was used to Buford's antics by now. She probably wouldn't even bother to tell him off.

Despite the horrid drama in his life, he was in a rather good mood. Just before he and Baljeet had gone their separate ways before class, the smaller boy had leaned up for their usual goodbye kiss (which was really just the slightest brushing of lips and Buford had previously only put up with it to keep up appearances) and he'd decided to just take advantage of the way things were. He knew eventually something bad was going to happen and end up separating them, so when Baljeet leaned up he wrapped one strong arm around the boy's waist and dragged him closer, giving him a much more intimate kiss than they'd ever had. It had been their first kiss since Buford realized his feelings, and now he could enjoy it freely without being confused as to why he was enjoying it.

When he'd pulled away, everyone except Ferb had looked surprised, and the green-haired teen had just chuckled quietly and shook his head.

His good mood came crashing down when the reality of the situation hit him. For gods sake, he was going to have to break up with Baljeet as some point. Maybe he should be trying to get the kid to end up disliking him so by the time it happened, he wouldn't be upset at all. Instead, he'd just gone and encouraged him.

He took a breath and let it out. Could he really go through with it?

Laughter ripped through his thoughts, forcing him to a stop. He already knew who it was before he even turned, suppressing a groan. Why couldn't this guy just leave him alone? Sure enough, Chris was standing right behind him with a smug look.

"So," the blond said casually. He leant up against the wall of the corridor and fixed Buford with an evil smirk. "Short shit likes you, huh? Oh, whoops, loves you. I forgot. How disgustingly cute. It was so perfect that he told you while you were dancing. Tell me, did you feel butterflies, Buford? Was having someone fall in love with you all that its choked up to be?"

"Just because no one will ever like a freak like you," Buford snarled in response, hands curling into fists.

"Shut it, faggot," Chris' voice turned cold. "At least I didn't let my mother's boyfriend take me up the ass."

Buford flinched and looked away, his blood turning icy. He was so fucking sick of this asshole continuously bringing that up. He just wanted it to go away. Chris laughed at his reaction and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Once he'd put one in his mouth and lit it, he leaned forward and blew the smoke into Buford's face, laughing again when the other tried his best not to start coughing.

"As you've probably already guessed, the mission is pretty much drawing to a close," Chris took another drag of his smoke. "You've accomplished what I told you to. The foreign brat love you, its time to finish this."

"Why do you hate him?" Buford had heard Baljeet's side of the story, but he wanted to know why such a tiny little thing had driven Chris to this extent.

"Because he's small and weak... and because I can?" Chris dropped his half-finished cigarette and stomped on it, crushing it into the tiled floor of the corridor.

"That's a stupid excuse."

To the blond's credit, he did manage to slam Buford up against the wall and pin him there, his elbow digging into the brunet's throat, before he even realized what was going on. Chris' face was close to his own, sneering in distaste. "You are going to break him, Buford, like it or not! You will rip out his heart, you will do it publicly, and if you don't fucking doing it I'll make your life a living hell, got it?"

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now