Chapter 7

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A month had passed and their whole year was getting into the swing of things for the play. Rehearsals were almost every day and people were going crazy building the sets and sewing the costumes. Buford found himself at a dance rehearsal, awkwardly trying to perform the waltz with Baljeet while Ms Crane shouted tips to the group.

Phineas seemed to be having a fun time dancing with some guy. At least Phineas was shorter than him, so it kind of worked that he was the female in the dance. But for Buford and Ferb, who were also the females of the dance, they were both taller than their partners and it threw the whole thing off. Ferb was glancing over at his brother every now and again, and it caught Buford's attention, who had begun to grin stupidly at the green-haired teen's obvious jealousy. Okay, so maybe it wasn't obvious to most people. But Buford had know him for years and could tell by the way those green eyes frowned ever so slightly with each glance. Distracted, the bully accidentally stepped on Baljeet's foot and the Indian let out a yelp of pain.

Ms Crane turned off the music and sighed at all of them. "You're all too stiff! You must get into the groove of dancing if we want to get this right! Everyone pick a partner and just sway to the music!"

Ferb immediately disentangled himself from the boy he'd been dancing with and went over to Phineas, who accepted his offer of being partners with a smile. Ms Crane had put on a very slow song, and Buford snickered loudly as Phineas put his arms around his brother's neck. Ferb gave him the two-fingered salute before twirling away with a laughing Phineas. Neither of them were capable of doing something as simple as swaying, so they began to perform an intricate dance that didn't go with the slow music at all.

Buford and Baljeet didn't bother moving. They already knew that they were still going to be partners, and they began dancing again, this time just slow dancing together. After a few moments, Buford let out a long sigh and let go of his partner. "That's it, I'm sick of being the female. We're switching."

"Fine," the boy rolled his eyes and obligingly changed positions, this time wrapping his arms around Buford's neck. "But you will have to be female when we actually perform the play, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," the bully grunted. The gentle music and slow swaying relaxed them, and Baljeet gave a yawn and rested his head against his boyfriend's chest.

Candace, who had began helping Ms Crane with the play immediately after Phineas asked her, was taking photos of the various couples. She snapped one of Buford and Baljeet, and the Indian grinned. "I will have to ask her for a copy of that," he murmured, watching the pregnant woman wander off to another couple. Her belly wasn't that large, but still enough for people to notice. "I wonder if she and her boyfriend are going to get married."

"Mmm," Buford wasn't listening. His eyes were trained on Chris, who was leaning against the wall close to them, looking bored. His role as the evil step-mother meant that he didn't have to dance, so he and the other's with non-dancing roles, like Isabella, were just watching. He saw the brunet looking at him and he gave a little wave. It was odd how he always did friendly things like waving and winking, when they both knew he hated Buford's guts.

Abruptly, he felt a hand pull his head down and Baljeet kissed him quickly before smiling up at him. Baffled, he was about to ask what the random kiss was all about, but the Indian began to speak. "I always tell people I am in like with you, but I think that has changed," here Buford began to worry this was some sort of breakup speech. "I know there are things you can not tell me and reasons why you sometimes act like you do not want to touch me, so I know you will not feel the same way just yet, but I think I might lo-"

"Hey Buford!

Baljeet flushed bright red at being interrupted, and he looked sulkily over at Phineas, who was grinning at them. "Keep the PDA to a minimum, yeah?"

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now