Chapter 2

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I stood in front of my closet, frowning as I stared at the same outfit that I had nearly thirteen versions of.

Geez I should really change it up.

My sister peeked into my room, short black hair down to her chin. "Can you watch-...what're you doing?"

"I have school in two hours and I don't know what to wear."

She stepped over to my closet and stared with me. "...they're all the same. Why are you buggin?"

"...I want to get someone's attention.", I flopped down on my bed and swallowed roughly, looking at my curly black hair in the mirror across the room. I didn't stand out much other than being pale and nearly 6 feet tall.

I'm not usually one to go for popular chicks like that, or even anyone at all, but after seeing her up close I'd become interested.

"Ah so you've got a crush.", she sat beside me and smiled. "What's their name?"

"Fukushima Mai."

"Try to compliment her! And don't say some dumb shit about her eyes or something. It's better to mention her smile or hair."

"I couldn't say that...", I pulled my knees to my chest. "I can barely say hello."

" don't have to say anything! Maybe just write a note and leave it in her locker. You don't even have to put your name on it."

"She probably gets tons of letters."

"Maybe I should take to her! I can get her interest in you to grow."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Well yeah, you're my little brother. If you wanna get laid, I might as well help out."

My face quickly turned bright red. "Wait- that's not it!"

"I'm just kidding. Now get ready, I'll drive you."

Arriving to school wasn't so bad. Since I got there early enough, I got to sit and read in my signature spot.

It took a few minutes before a boy with red hair and blue eyes kicked the book from my hands. "So when's the wrist reveal, Kid?" The way the mud splashed against my pant leg made me want to puke. It was cold and sticky. On top of that, I knew the water would make my pants itchy against my leg.

"Uh...Excuse me?" I picked my book up out of the mud and stood up, trying to wipe the thick dirt from the pages. "Why did you do that?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's a book I had to return and now have to pay for."

"Geez, you sure don't get bothered easily do you?"

"I don't."

He took the book from my hands and ripped it clean in half, dropping it back into the same mud puddle. "You don't say much either."

I swallowed. "Why are you bothering me?"

"Wanted to see if I could get a reaction o it of you. You never speak in class and just sit there reading book after book. Don't you get bored with no friends?"

"I have friends." I didn't.

"Yeah? Who? The girls that watch you like a hawk?"

"Girls?", I cocked my head. He gestured to a group of girls not too far away from us. They were all watching me with interest. "Oh...I don't know them."

"So not even them then. That's pretty pathetic."

"What's pathetic is the fact that you didn't even tie your tie correctly. Want me to fix it for you?"

Hearing those girls laugh at my statement clearly made him angry, but he didn't do much other than push me back. My back hit the tree trunk, though I didn't mind. My expression remained unbothered. "You think you're cute?"


He glared at me, one hand falling on top of my head and grabbing a tight hold of my hair. "Well let me set the facts straight for you. You're not. You should really watch your attitude with me."

"You're not as intimidating as you seem to think you are. Now let go of me, I'm not in the mood to fight this early in the day."

"Oh well that's just tough shit isn't it?" His fist collided with my left eye, to which he let go of my hair so I could fall. I didn't though, just wobbled in place a bit and smiled.

"'re strong though. If only you'd put your mouth to better use than talking shit." I kneed him in the stomach and shoved him down to his knees, placing a foot on his shoulder. "In this position, maybe you could if you tried your hardest."

"You bastard!"

"I told you that I didn't want to do this right now."

He attempted to stand but I just crashed my boot against his head, forcing him to fall into the mud puddle he'd thrown my book in. Once he was on the ground, I forcefully shoved my foot against his chest to keep him that way. "You're down and I didn't even have to use my hands."

"You motherfucker.", he grabbed ahold of my ankle and attempted to push my foot away. I pulled it back and slammed it down on his chest again, to which he groaned in pain.

"I'll inform the librarian what you did to the book. Bye now."

I left him on the ground and walked inside, heading to the bathroom and locking myself in one of the empty stalls. God damnit. My face hurts.

I held a hand over my eye, which was now watering due to the pain. It hurts so bad I thought I was gonna cry.

Hell, I still think I'm gonna cry.

I rolled my sleeves up and frowned. My arms were thin, pale, and littered with deep white scars. "Damnit."

I'd thought about killing myself but decided against it due to having to help take care of my sisters kid. As well as finishing education and maybe getting a job one day.

It wasn't a major issue mentally so I didn't worry about it. Not like I'd attempted to do anything.

Geez. Maybe class won't be as bad.

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