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After Jessica left the empty hospital, the good-looking doctor decided to make his way to the now empty hospital room in which Jessica stayed in, he walked in, after he passed the door, he instantly got sharp shivers down his spine, he inspected the room and instantly made his way to the side table, he saw some paper laying there and wanted to read them, he was nosey, he picked it up and began to read it...

"Metropolitan Police Detective's Report

On the 17th of April 2021, at 13:07 hours, the metropolitanpolice received a phone call from a young sounding girl, this girl introducedherself as 'Sam' she said she was nine and that her mum had 'fallen' out anupstairs window, it took the operator four minutes to get an address, in theend one unit was dispatched, the operator at first thought this young girl wasmaking up stories so didn't want to send out too many units, on arrival PCMarks was met with a front door, he began knocking but he got no answer, hemoved across to the window and peered through and saw no-onewithin the kitchen, he decided to go round the back and see if the back doorwas open, he walked up to a wooden garden gate and opened it, he was met with alady on the ground, she looked dead, she had 'fallen' face down onto theconcrete garden floor, PC Mark made a swift approach towards the lady, her nosewas bleeding other than that she did not have any other visible injuries, heradioed into the dispatch station and other units arrived including anambulance, the lady was called Jessica Roberts and was rushed to hospital. Iarrived shortly before the ambulance and made my way inside to make sure thelittle girl was okay, she had told me her brother was upstairs in his room whenJessica Roberts 'fell' out the window, I made my way up the stairs, alone, andI was met with three doors, one of which was closed, I decided to search theother rooms before I had opened the closed door, the other two rooms includingthe bathroom were clear, I then made my way to the closed door room, I openedthe door without using too much force, I peered in and felt a cold atmosphere,I then saw a young boy he was wearing a blue top and had black trousers on, hewas on the floor and it looked like he had a knife inserted into his head, someof the blood was leaking out the whole the knife has made, this knife was atleast half way into the innocent boys head and I then noticed the window was open, the window was bigenough for Jessica to jump out of. 

Metropolitan Police Detective's Summary

I Detective Constable Richard Blake have come to a conclusion that Jessica Roberts had walked up the stairs and made her way to Apollo Roberts room, while there she had been very aggressive, she then stabbed Apollo Roberts in the head, at which point she then decided to jump out the window. After Sam Roberts saw her mum outside on the concrete floor, face down, she decided to call the police using the house phone which was located near the knife stand in the kitchen. Police arrived and took over the situation.

The signature below confirms that the detective writing this report has investigated the matter carefully and is ready to make an arrest and prosecute an individual for First Degree Murder with Intent. This individual is Mrs Jessica Roberts.

Signed:    Richard Blake

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