surprising him at a fan sign (requested)

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You stood in the long line of excited fans that waited to see the boys. There were a lot of people ahead of you, so it gave you the perfect opportunity to think of what you're gonna say when you come face to face with your boyfriend again.

It's been a little while since you last saw him. He's been away since then and has been so busy that you haven't had much time to even talk over the phone or over FaceTime. The thought of seeing him again caused your entire chest to fill with butterflies. You miss him like crazy.

You stood so far away at the moment that you could barely see him. He was right between Jimin and Hoseok.

But from what you could see, he looked as amazing as ever. He was irresistible and you knew that everyone waiting in line in front of you would be breathless, finding him to be even more mesmerizing than he looks through a screen.

Your heart seemed to pound harder and beat faster with every step closer to him that you took. You were still a good distance away, but you could see him a little better.

You caught glimpses of his big boxy smile, those stars in his eyes as he spoke to each and every fan with such love and care.

You seemed to blend in with the fans around you. Despite your relationship being public now since it was leaked, people weren't making a big scene about you being there.

It made you feel a little better, especially since you wanted this to remain a surprise until the very last minute, until you were standing in front of Tae.

The line went down slowly. You watched from afar as the boys made each and every fan feel welcomed. You watched them make their day brighter, made their dreams come true.

But soon, there were only a few left in front of you. You tried to keep yourself from being recognized by Tae and the boys if they curiously looked around from fan to fan. You stared down at your feet and watched them move every time one more fan walked away.

Until you got to walk up to Namjoon, who was the first of the boys that you'd see. A couple of fans remained in front of you, so you busied yourself with greeting the boys before Tae with smiles.

They looked shocked to see you, almost blowing your cover to Taehyung out of excitement to see you again and the happiness they felt, knowing that he was gonna be so happy to see you again.

But you were quick to place your index finger on your lips to wordlessly tell them not to say anything to him.

You made small talk, kept your voice down while stealing glances. Your boyfriend was so focused on the fans that came up to him that he didn't look your way.

That was, until, you finally stood in front of him. He stared down at the pen in his hand. He was ready to introduce himself with that big smile on his face, he was friendly, saying hello as he lifted his head.

But he only got halfway through the word, the rest of it remained on the tip of his tongue. Because he became speechless as his eyes locked with yours.

"Y/N?" He spoke, almost in awe from seeing you standing there. Seeing that he was speechless, you reached your hand out for his and took it into yours. His eyes light up when you brushed your thumb along his knuckles, his smile becoming bigger and bigger.

"You're here!" He said excitedly, looking around at the boys as they just smiled at him. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you'd be here? I've missed you!"

You giggled as every word that fell from his lips came out in a rush. He was obviously happy, which you expected him to be.

However, he was on cloud nine, happier than you ever imagined him being. Though it wasn't too long that you spent apart, it was a long time in his eyes when he loves you more than anything else.

"I wanted to surprise you. It wouldn't have been a surprise if I told you, right?"

His eyes were full of stars and his grin was wide. He stood up and had you walk around to him so he could pull you into his arms for a big hug. One so big, so strong, that your feet lifted off the ground.

He spun you around a little and held you tight so you wouldn't fall. He felt you giggle against his neck, where you buried your face, and it only made his heart feel even happier.

"I love you." He whispered as he buried his lips in your hair.

"Love you too." You smiled and rubbed his back. "Guessing you missed me?"

"Missed you so much." He answered as he set your feet back on the ground ever so gently. His arms stayed around you, keeping you close to him.

"You know I missed you too."

"I missed you more." He argued playfully. "Missed you most."

He gave you a tight hug, desperate to lean down and give you a kiss. But there were only a couple of fans remaining.

Though they weren't rushing, simply standing back and letting you and him catch up, he opted to kiss your head instead. He knew if he placed his lips on yours, he'd struggle to pull away. One peck would turn into one loving kiss that he'd melt right into.

"Wait for me?"

"You know I will." You smiled and stood back, giving him and the boys some space as the couple of fans that remained took their turns and spent a couple of minutes with them.

Once he was done he got up and took your hand, leading you across the room where you wouldn't be seen before picking you up in his arms and spinning you around again.

This time, he didn't hesitate to push his lips onto yours.

You put your arms around his neck while his hands fell onto the small of your back, where he held you tight and as close as you could to him as your lips moved passionately against his.

He pulled back and dropped his forehead onto yours. His eyes were bright, full of stars again; like they are every time your eyes meet.

"I really did miss you," he said and kissed the corner of your lips. "I really love you," he added, kissing the other corner and felt his heart melt when you smiled brightly at him.

"I got you by my side again, so let me spoil you with lots of love." He smiled and picked you up yet again, carrying you in his arms as he peppered kisses to the crown of your head and talked to you about your day and how you've been on his mind every minute of every day since you parted.

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