meeting his parents (requested)

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You stared out the window, watching as you passed certain pieces of scenery and certain signs by. Your hand was wrapped in Taehyung's, your favorite songs were playing over the radio. It all made for a very peaceful drive.

Or, it would if your mind was racing.

You're trying to hide your nerves from your boyfriend. You know he'd find it silly that you're feeling so nervous about meeting his parents when you've been together for the longest time. But you want to make a good impression. You want them to like you.

He could see right through you though. On occasion, when it was safe, he'd look away from the road and over to you. You're unusually quiet, your hand is shaking slightly in his own, but as your mind continues to wander with endless possibilities of how this day could go, your hand is beginning to shake quite a bit in his.

"Hey," he whispered softly and gave your hand a squeeze, making you look over at him. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Tae." You tried to say, only for him to turn the radio down and then take your hand back into his as securely as he could.

"Tell me the truth."

You sighed and stared down at your intertwined hands. You began to fidget with his long fingers as you confessed.

"I'm just nervous."

"Nervous? Why?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why do you think, Tae? This is the first time I'm meeting your parents. I know we've been together for a while now but I'm really afraid that they won't like me or that they'll be upset we haven't paid them a visit sooner."

"They know my job is chaotic, y/n. It's nothing new. They understand, trust me. And, you said it yourself, we've been together for a while now. It might be the first time you meet them but it's not like they don't know about you? I talk to them about you every day, especially to my dad. Trust me, they adore you. They'll probably crack jokes about how they feel like they already know you."

You cracked a smile as the words sank in.

"Oh? You talk about me that much?"

He took his eyes off the road for a second, gazing at you with stars in his big brown orbs that you swear you could spend the rest of your life just gazing into. Your heart melted as soon as he sent you that boxy smile of his. It always brings a smile to your face. You know that's when he's at his happiest and the thought just makes you so happy.

"Of course I do. I love you."

"Love you too." You said as you leaned over and kissed his cheek, causing him to laugh happily.

"Okay, we're almost there. Won't be much longer now. Probably just a few minutes."

You let out a heavy breath then nodded your head causing your boyfriend to chuckle and brush his thumb along your knuckles.

"My parents are gonna love you almost as much as I do. I can promise you that."

You could only hope so.

You passed the time by focusing on the brush of his thumb along your knuckles, the sound of his voice as he spoke to you, and then sang to you when you grew tired of the radio.

You almost fell asleep when a few minutes of comfortable silence hit the air. He had been kissing your knuckles softly, singing your favorite song every so softly, and you felt your nerves ease a little.

But as soon as you closed your eyes, he pulled into the driveway and the car came to a stop.

You looked at him, locking eyes with him immediately. He brought your knuckles to his lips, giving them a soft and lingering kiss as he stared deeply into your eyes.

"It's all gonna be fine. I promise." He spoke as he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "Tell me the last time I broke a promise to you."


"Exactly." He smiled and then hooked his fingers under your chin to pull you in for a loving kiss. "C'mon, baby. Let's go inside."

He let go of your hand but when you both got out of the car and were side by side again, he was reaching for it and pulling your hand back into his.

You made it up the steps and the door suddenly flew open. His parents waited excitedly at the door and you watched Taehyung's eyes light up when he was finally close enough to hug them. He let go of your hand as he hugged them both and then pulled away to look back at you with bright eyes.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend-"

"Y/N!" They said in unison, both finishing for Taehyung with excitement in their voices and big smiles on their faces.

"Of course we know who she is. Even more lovely than you've told us about." His mom said as she hugged you and the compliment caused a smile to tug at your lips.

His dad did the same, greeting you ever so kindly. Every time you looked at him, you saw Taehyung. He looked so much like his dad it was unreal.

As they invited you both in, Taehyung quickly put his hand back in yours. You left your shoes by the door and noticed the delicious aroma in the air.

His parents were focused on each other and the food, which allowed him to sneak you away for a moment to another part of the room.

"Still nervous?" He asked with a smile tugging at his lips, to which you shook your head.

"No. I don't know why I was so nervous in the first place. I mean, they're your parents, of course, they're gonna be as polite as can be."

He smiled as he hugged you tight.

"Taehyung quit stealing her away. You see her every day, let us see her, too." His mom teased and you squirmed out of your boyfriend's tightening grip with a laugh to go over to his parents.

Tae stayed behind, feeling his heart flutter as he watched you become close with his parents. He knew this would happen; that you'd wonder how you ever felt so nervous in the first place, that they'd love you from the moment they met you.

"Taehyung?" His dad called out, snapping him out of his daydream as his dad walked to him, while they both watched you and Tae's mom joking and smiling, talking about anything and everything... but mostly about Tae.

"You're in love." His dad spoke, noticing by that look in his son's eyes that he was head over heels in love.

He saw the way his eyes sparkled, saw the smile tugging at his lips every time you'd giggle or would lock eyes with him from across the room.

"She's amazing," Taehyung spoke quietly.

"Yeah, I have to agree. Don't let her go."

"She's the best thing to ever happen to me. I wouldn't ever let her go."

His dad seemed to smile bigger than ever before, ready to respond when you suddenly walked over and hugged Taehyung tightly.

Over dinner, they told you stories about Taehyung and questioned you about your passions and dreams in life.

Taehyung kept his hand on your thigh, simply staring at you with a look of love in his eyes as you spoke about all the important things to you, like your family, your friends, Yeontan, the boys, and, of course, your boyfriend.

Soon, his parents got a little caught up in a conversation of their own, which allowed you and Tae a moment.

You moved your chair a little closer to his, so close that you could put your head on his shoulder as you continued to eat the delicious food.

"This is one of the best nights of my life." He spoke softly. "I love you so much."

"Love you." You said and snuck a kiss to his chin, watching that boxy smile return, causing a smile to tug at your lips, too.

And though he's felt it in his big heart for as long as he can remember, he knew that night, as you became as close as can be with his parents, that you were the one.

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