when he can't sleep without you in his arms

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Taehyung closed the front door behind him as quietly as he possibly could. It's late, nearing one in the morning now, and he was just arriving home.

He's been missing you all day. He'd hoped he would've gotten home earlier, but he got tied up in practice.

But he's home now and because he knows you've got to be asleep, he tried to keep his movements quiet so he wouldn't wake you, despite wanting to run up the stairs and down the hall to you as a rush of happiness came over him.

He took off his shoes and then climbed the stairs, quickly but quietly. He hoped you'd be awake, that maybe the rush of his hurried, but attempted quiet, footsteps would wake you.

He hoped that he'd be met with your eyes locked with his when he reached your shared room, that maybe you'd curl up to him and let his worries and stresses melt away as he holds onto you.

But one glimpse inside the bedroom told him you were sound asleep. The lights were all off, making the room pitch-black.

He could hear you breathing from where he stood and so he wouldn't stumble as he made his way over to you, he turned the lamp on and felt a warmth in his heart upon seeing you sound asleep on his side of the bed.

The mattress dipped beneath him as he took a seat on the bed next to you. He reached over to brush a lock of hair behind your ear and you stirred from his touch.

So he wouldn't disturb you anymore, he leaned over to kiss your forehead and turned off the lamp before he walked out of the room and into the bathroom, where he planned to brush his teeth and change before he'd curl up in bed with you and sleep.

He walked out of the bathroom, turning the light off before he opened the door so it wouldn't hit your eyes and wake you.

He opened the door and made his way to bed and since you were still laying on his head, he simply laid down on yours.

You were out like a light, soft breaths falling from his lips. Before he got the chance to put his arms around you, you were stirring and rolling away from him. You rolled closer to the edge of the bed and further away from him.

His eyes felt heavy, so he simply thought he'd close his eyes and fall asleep and that maybe, in the middle of the night, he'd feel you in his arms.

He pulled the blanket up to his shoulders and made sure you were still covered up before he laid his head back with a yawn and tried to sleep.

But he couldn't seem to sleep. He waited to slip into a deep slumber, but he continued to lay awake, despite how sleepy he felt. He felt a little cold and his arms felt much too empty.

He felt around the bed for you and his hand fell onto your back. A soft sound fell from your lips, causing his to tug into a smile.

He rubbed his hand in circles along the small of your back and soon, your eyes were opening and you were lifting your head to look around the room.

Realizing the room was pitch-black, you groaned and heard your boyfriend chuckle softly.

"Sorry to wake you." He spoke quietly. "But you're too far away. I can't sleep without you."

Despite how sleepy you felt, you couldn't help but smile as he opened his arms for you and you moved into them.

You dropped your head onto his chest and heard his heartbeat in your ear. His arms wrapped around you, hand brushing along your back softly as you stared up at him.


"Much better." He spoke softly.

He leaned down to kiss the crown of your head, only for his lips to brush along it for a split second before you moved your head up so his lips would hit yours instead.

"Goodnight, Tae."

You couldn't see the adoration in his eyes or the smile on his face as your eyes slipped shut before you got the chance.

But you felt loved as you laid in his warm embrace and felt his hand brush along your back and his lips brush against your head as you fell asleep.

He did the same shortly after he knew you were asleep, his head falling back against the pillow before he closed his heavy eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber, much warmer and much more comfortable now that he was holding onto you.

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