you feel insecure (requested)

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"Are you almost ready to go, baby?" Taehyung asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. "The boys are waiting on us."

He had that big smile on his face when you opened the door to face him, but it faded when he saw that you were still dressed in your sweats and one of his shirts.

"Um," He paused as he watched you walk over to the bed. "As cute as you look in my clothes, I don't think you'll want to wear that to the awards show tonight."

"I'm not going, Tae."

His heart dropped.

But not just from your sudden change of plans but also due to the look of sadness in your eyes and the way you hung your head.

"Why not? You were so excited about tagging along with the boys and me." He said as he sat down beside you.

His hand fell to your thigh but you pushed it away, much to his dismay.

"You were so looking forward to tonight. You got that beautiful dress and everything. Why the sudden change of heart?"

You wordlessly shrugged your shoulders.

But to Taehyung, that wasn't a response, especially when he could tell something much deeper was going on.

"Look at me," He said as he gently hooked his fingers beneath your chin and lifted it, making your eyes lock with his. "What's the matter?"

"I don't like the way I look." You confessed with a quiet voice. "I don't want people to see me this way."

Hearing you say that you didn't like the way that you looked shattered his heart.

"My thighs are too big, my chest is too small, and I don't feel pretty. I don't want to go in front of so many people looking so gross in that dress."

"You do not look gross, don't you ever say that." He said as he took your hand into his, gripping it tightly.

"You have to say that. But a lot of people would disagree with you."

"Then those people can go screw themselves."

Giving your hand a couple of squeezes, he sent you a small smile when you looked back into his eyes.

"Those people don't matter. They shouldn't bring you down, Y/N."

"I can't help it. I can't help the way I feel about myself."

"Well, I'm going to change the way you feel about yourself because you are beautiful just the way that you are and I don't ever want to hear you talking about yourself the way you just did."

He brushed his thumb across your knuckles and leaned forward, dropping his forehead onto yours.

"You think those things are imperfections, right? Your thighs, your chest, your body? But you're wrong. They're not flaws, they're things that make you who you are, and who you are is beautiful, baby."

You cracked a small smile at his words.

"And my opinion means more than those of people who don't know you, right?"

"Yeah." You said as you took his other hand into yours.

"Go put that dress on for me. You're going to look beautiful." He said as he kissed your hand.

You got up and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind you before you changed out of your sweats and into the red dress on the floor.

And when you opened the door a moment later, Taehyung was standing right there again with a proud smile on his face.

Walking inside, he guided you across the room to stand in front of the mirror.

He put his arms around you to hug you from behind and placed his chin on your shoulder, his eyes locking with yours in the mirror.

"See? Beautiful." He said and kissed your neck softly.

"I don't know. What about my thighs? And my chest? They show in this dress and-"

"You look beautiful." He interrupted. "I wouldn't ever change anything about you. I love you just the way that you are and I want you to love yourself too. You're perfect; every inch and every feature. I'm the luckiest man in the world."

You couldn't help but smile and it brought warmth to his heart to see.

"There's that smile." He said as he squeezed you tightly. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Anytime." He said and kissed your head softly. "You shouldn't ever feel insecure when you're beautiful just the way you are. If anyone agrees, if anyone says that you're anything less than perfect, then they're going to have to deal with me."

You chuckled as you turned around, gently placing your hands on his shoulders.

"I love you, beautiful girl." He said as he put his lips on yours.

"I love you more, Tae," You replied, now feeling comfortable in the dress and your own skin thanks to him.

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