you have cramps

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You squeezed your eyes shut tightly as your cramps became more intense. You brought your knees closer to your chest and tried to hold back the whimpers that were close to falling from your lips from the discomfort and pain you felt.

Taehyung was sleeping beside you. You could hear his soft breaths and would feel him move around here and there in his deep slumber. He's had a busy day and the last thing you want is to wake him, even if only accidentally.

You tried coping with the cramps on your own. You attempted to find a comfortable position to lay in that would make them more tolerable. You felt so sick and so tired, but you had no chance of getting to sleep when you were so uncomfortable.

You couldn't help the whimper that fell from your lips. Right afterward, you felt a warm hand on your back and you jumped from the sudden touch. Taehyung moved closer to you, his hand brushing along your back in circles as he shushed you softly.

"What's wrong?" He asked and you could tell he was exhausted from the sound of his voice.

But he worries about you easily and sensing how uncomfortable you are made him push his sleep aside, quickly becoming the least of his worries, as you became his only focus.

"Are you okay?"

"I just have cramps." You mumbled and buried your face into the pillow as you moved around a little in an attempt to find a comfortable position to lay in.

"What can I do?" He asked worriedly with his eyebrows pinched together in a frown.

Even though you go through this every month, it breaks his heart every time. He's always trying to do something to make you feel better and whatever you needed him to do, he'd do for you in a heartbeat.

You didn't answer vocally, just groaning quietly.

He took matters into his own hands and got out of bed in search of something in particular. It took him a minute to find but he quickly returned to your side. He knelt on the floor in front of you and plugged in your heating pad before laying it over your stomach and climbing back into bed with you.

It took a moment for the relief to fully hit you and for the heat to begin to take the pain away, but once it did you were sighing out in relief. The feeling of Taehyung's hand brushing along your back brought you even more comfort, his lips pressing against your shoulder comfortingly while he whispered softly in your ear even made a tiny smile tug at your lips.

"Feel any better yet? Is it helping any?"

"A little." You spoke, the words falling from your lips in a sleepy mumble.

"What else can I do?"

"Just keep holding me and rubbing my back. Just you being here helps me a lot."

You didn't see the smile on his face since your cheek rested on your pillow and your eyes were closed, but he dropped his chin onto your shoulder and smiled to himself, finding a little happiness in the fact that he was helping you feel better.

His free hand rested on your waist and you took ahold of it with yours. As you intertwined your fingers, he gave your hand a squeeze and kissed your cheek.

"Thank you." You spoke quietly. "For always taking care of me and making me feel better."

"You know I'd do anything for you." He whispered in your ear. "Relax."

You nodded and as the pain faded away little by little, you found your eyes growing heavier and found yourself beginning to drift off to sleep.

Your boyfriend was only helping by continuing to rub your back and kiss your cheek affectionately, and now even humming in your ear to a song that you love.

"Love you." He whispered and set his chin on your shoulder while he watched you breathe until you fell asleep.

He stayed still for a moment, just to make sure you were in a deep slumber. Once a couple of moments passed by of you lying still in his arms, he slowly pulled the heating pad away and turned it off before putting it aside for you. He kept it close enough to where you could bring it back over you again if the cramps returned.

But for now, you seemed to be feeling better and you seemed much more content. You were sleeping soundly, your back rising and falling steadily against his chest. He combed his fingers through your hair and kissed your shoulder once more before he closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall back asleep now that you were feeling better, all thanks to him.

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