morning kisses

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Taehyung stretched his legs out with a yawn as he opened his eyes.

He turned his head upon feeling the warmth of the golden rays of the sun hit his skin. It was too early to wake up. He was too warm, too cozy to even think about leaving the bed.

He turned over onto his other side and his knee bumped your thigh, causing you to groan in your sleep. His eyes flew open immediately, a smile tugging at his lips upon finding you sleeping with your head turned to him.

"Sorry, baby," he whispered and reached up to brush a lock of hair behind your ear as you slept soundly.

You stirred again, this time only to lay your head on his chest and his heart melted at the sight. You shivered a little ad the blanket slipped down your arm. He quickly pulled it back around your shoulders before kissing your head and closing his eyes.

He couldn't fall back asleep now, even if he tried. He felt so happy. There was this flutter in his heart, which only seemed to grow as you curled up closer to him and let out soft sounds in your sleep.

But he was relaxed. For the first time in a while, he woke up really excited for the day ahead. He gets to spend it with you. Every second would be spent by your side and the thought made him so happy.

Turning his head and opening his eyes, he saw the time on the clock read it was only after nine an. Not exactly how early he wanted to wake up on his day off, but he found it hard to complain when his entire body and his heart felt so warm and so content.

He pulled you closer and leaned down to brush his lips along your head. They lingered for a sweet second and he smiled a little bigger upon seeing you stir.

"Are you awake, y/n?" He asked, his voice soft and his touch just as soothing as he brushed his fingers along your head.

"No." You mumbled and he just chuckled. You tried to roll away and out of his arms to bury your face in the pillow and fall back asleep, but he quickly pulled you into a tight hug to keep your back secure against his chest.

He scooted down the bed a little so he could brush his lips along your neck ever so softly.

"Are you sure?"

You just hummed quietly, feeling torn between falling back into that deep slumber your body craved and wanting to stay awake with Taehyung.

"Good morning." He said as he brushed his lips along your skin in a sweet trail.

You craned your neck to face him but didn't open your tired eyes quite yet. But he could kiss your lips now and it made him smile yet again.

Once he pulled away, you were hugging the blanket tighter around yourself and yawning.

"Goodnight, Tae,"

"Oh no you don't," he teased and managed to roll you onto your back. He tried to tug the blanket away but you poured at him and opened your eyes.

"No, I'm cold." He kissed your cheek and pulled his hoodie off before helping you pull it on.

"A little warmer now, my love?"

You nodded and gazed up at him, taking in his beauty. You don't know how he does it. How he can wake up looking so beautiful. How he can always be so beautiful, so amazing.

"Morning." He smiled and brushed the tip of his nose against yours.

"Good morning, Tae."

He gently cupped your cheek in the palm of his hand before leaning down to brush his lips against your own for a sweet kiss.

You moved to loop your arms around his neck and pull him closer. He was warm, so warm, and so cuddly and sweet. You wanted to hold him close all day, and one glance at the time reminded you that your wish had come true.

"Tired still?"

"A little," you replied to which he nodded and went to roll off of you and into his back, only for you to hold him tighter to keep him still. "I'll be okay though. I've got the day to spend with you and I don't want to lose out on a single second."

You brushed your fingers through his hair and once he sent you that boxy smile, your heart melted and your chest filled with butterflies.

He pushed his lips back onto yours and kissed you slowly. His hand gently fell onto your cheek once more, fingertips gently brushing along your skin as he kissed you with as much love as he could pour into the kiss.

"I love you so much." He whispered against your lips before pulling away and peppering kisses all along your face, being sure to kiss every inch and make sure no spot was left unloved.

"Love you," you giggled and stared into his bright eyes, feeling his fingers intertwine with yours. "Now kiss me again."

He just chuckled and kissed you once more, being sure to give you all the morning kisses your heart desired.

"Should we have breakfast?"

"That involves leaving the bed." You whined and he just shook his head with a laugh and went to get off of you and move off the bed, only for you to pull him back on you once more. "In a few. Stay here. Keep me warm and make me feel so loved some more."

His heart melted and his arms wrapped around you to hold you tight, his face buried in your neck as he hugged you close and planned to keep you warm and cozy for however long you wanted him to.

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