Chapter 09 : Is He Dead?

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The metal gate shivered harshly beneath my weight. Tears streak my dark cheeks, jaw trembling as I beg and plead through locked jaws.

Five minutes ago the moon, only a crescent portion of it, had risen, and already the hot white pain was too much for me. Feeling as if it was eating me from the inside out.

My eyes dart from white spot to white spot. Just like moths as they flutter about my vision while the pain creeps steady upward from somewhere in my stomach. It eats its way into my chest, each breath shortens into gasps. Even though I wasn't actually burning alive, I would soon suffocate from the pain.

Franticly both of my hands grip the old metal bars, pushing and pulling, trying to rip the contraption from the door frame but it mocks me harshly with several clangs. Of course it won't give way, someone else has to open it from the outside. It had been built to trap something much bigger than myself.

I need someone to save me.

Pressing my cheek against the gritty rusted-metal, I reach through the space between the bars until my bicep wedges between the square metal poles. Willing my fingers to stretch, or grow. To somehow touch the boy on the other side.

He can save me. Surely, Sterling can stop the agony from taking over me. And if not, if he can't do that, than -

"Kill me." The words vibrate from my own throat. Had I not felt it, I would not have known the words belonged to myself. More tears came, cold against my burning skin. "Please. Make it stop!"





1Fists clenched at my sides, I watch as my best friend writhes on the opposite side of the metal gate. He's experiencing a degree of pain I have never before seen. Neither do I know how to relieve it. All I can do is watch Levi slowly dissolve into what looks like madness.

Unable to watch anymore, I push the thick metal inner door of the storm cellar closed, blocking the view of my agonized friend but not the sound. Though muffled I can hear a stream of No's raise into a scream. I run to the top of the stairs, Levi's muffled pleas on my heals. One plea in particular, a plea for death.

The storm cellar door slams hard behind me, and the screams become even more faint. My face hot against the cold snowy night air. My heart hammers in my chest. I cradle my purpled forearm across my chest.

It happened to fast. The pain had consumed him and he didn't know what he was doing. I wanted to bring him up out of the basement to find help, but Levi had been too strong for me. It took everything I had to throw him into the cage, and everything Rory had to force me to leave Levi there, alone.

Rory; cool, composed, unfazed Rory, braced his hand on my shoulders and leads me from the cellar doors. He had appeared in an instant to pull me from the cage and close the door, locking it securely. Even now he'd been the one to close the cellar hatch entrance in the back garden.

He was trying to lead me away, but I've reached my limit. I pull away from Rory's hands and sit square on top of the hatch, before burying my face in my uninjured hand. Rory's gaze stays on me. I can feel his eyes burning into my scalp.

"I can't leave him alone." I manage to say from my slumped position. "I promise I won't let him out, Rory. I can't leave him down there alone."

Several moments past where all I can hear are Levi's muffled cries, then the thunk of metal legs on concrete interrupt my thoughts. Looking up from my hands I notice Rory's attention had been momentarily diverted to placing one of the heavy patio chairs three feet away. Upon which, he took a seat.

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