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Hi. My name is Y/n. I've grown up behind these walls for my whole life not knowing who I was or where I came from. For as long as I've known, I haven't had parents, and I've grown up on the streets of Shinganshina. I scrape my meals from drunk soldiers most of the time, and avoid any social interaction.

Because I don't really talk to anyone, no one really knows who I am, except one person...well, four people, but I'll get to that later. They've come up with a nickname for me, however. I'm called 'the road runner' because I'm quick on my feet.

"Hey road runner, catch!" Shouted Hannes. I only knew him by name because I'd heard the other soldiers say the name so much while they got drunk.

He had tossed me a loaf of bread.
I caught it with ease, and barely gave a smile as I ran off with it.

Suddenly, I noticed a young boy and young girl walking down the path. I recognized them as Eren, and Mikasa. These were two of the people who knew who I was. I quickly took a different route to avoid talking to them, but I think they spotted me before I dipped.

(Flashback about 2 years beforehand)

"Hey, what's your name?" Asked a young blonde boy who stood in-between a brunette boy, and a raven haired girl.

I rolled my eyes. "It's Y/n..." I grunted.

"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Eren, this is Mikasa and Armin!" The brunette shouted excitedly.

"Maybe your name should be stupid." I groaned. I thought my joke was funny, but apparently he didn't.

"That's mean!" He said, his face looking angry.

"Oh yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah!" He said, making a fist.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I smirked.

The boys eyes began to water, even though his face still looked angry.

"Aw, looks like your gonna cry about it." I teased.

"Sh-shut up!" He whimpered.

"Your such a crybaby." I remarked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Cut it out!" The blonde said, looking distraught, and putting an arm around Eren.

I sighed, and turned to walk away. As I continued to walk, the sun was setting, and I began to think.
I had really wanted to be friends with these kids...did I make a bad impression? I didn't know how to make friends. I thought I was just making a joke, but maybe I went too far. He was a crybaby though, there's no doubt about that.

(End of flashback)

Since then, us three had only had a few more interactions that were very similar to the first instance, but I'd avoided them because I was afraid they hated me for how mean I was.

And the fourth person who knows me is...

I climbed the rusty ladder, up to a brown, wooden, old looking window and flipped the lock, letting myself in.

"I told you not to come in through the window Y/n." A deep voice said, causing me to fall into the room.

Kino, is the fourth person who knows me.

"K-kino! Sorry, I didn't know you were home." I apologized, getting up and dusting off my knees and looking at the blonde teenager.

Kino was a nice guy, hed been letting me crash at his place so I wouldn't have to sleep on the streets. But that was about all he could offer me. His parents didn't like stowaways, so he'd usually sneak me in, or I'd go through the window. But he didn't like it when I went through the window.

"Does that have anything to do with it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed.

"No, sorry." I apologized.

There were a few moments of silence, until we both started laughing.

Suddenly, we heard a boom from outside.

"Wh-what the hell was that!?" Kino said, begining to freak out.

"D-dunno, Ki." I said, shaking along with him.

We both went down the stairs quickly, and burst out the front door.

To our horror, there were titans. TITANS INSIDE THE WALL!?

"K-kino...your seeing this, right?" I asked, my body began shaking.

"Yeah...your definitely not dreaming..." He replied.

We both began to run, as a titan casually crossed the street like it was nothing. I had always thought titans were interesting, but to actually see one? That scared me.

"Kino, do you think we'll get away??!" I shouted over my shoulder, only to get no response. I stopped running and turned around.

"k-kino...KINO!!!" I screamed.

My older brother figure was grabbed by a titan who was creepily and disgustingly smiling.

"NO Y/N YOU HAVE TO RUN! GO NOW!" He screamed, as the Titan raising him up to his large, nasty tongue.

I couldn't watch anymore, I began to run away, and I kept running.

I didn't look back...

    (Time skip)

       I sat on a boat, hugging my knees. There were many other evacuees on either side of me, and all of them seemed terrified.
       From a distance I heard a familiar voice on the boat, and a certain teal eyed brunette made a fist, yelling something out onto the water. I rolled my eyes, but got up. I didn't want to continued to be curled up, and looking weak on the boat. I'm going to be a soldier when I get older.

      "Crying again, are you." I said, noticing the tears dripping from his eyes as he turned around. He quickly wiped them, and gritted his teeth at me.

      "Here to poke fun at me again?
Y/n?" He asked, slightly irritated, but there was fear in his voice, and his eyes held the same trauma as mine.
      "No...actually, I'm here to talk." I said, swallowing a bubble of air that'd been sitting in my mouth for what felt like ages.

      His eyes widened a little, and Mikasa and Armin left us to talk, figuring I meant a one on one talk.

     "What do you wan-"

      "I'm sorry." I cut him off, taking a step towards him.

      "What do you m-"

      "For being mean...seems I'm not very good at making friends, huh? No one ever taught me how, so I'd hardly say it's my fault..but then again, i gotta take responsibility for my actions, so I'm sorry for making you cry and stuff-" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.
         Eren's eyes were still wide with shock.

      "What I'm trying to say is-"
      "Let's be friends." Eren cut me off.

       For the first time in a long time, I smiled. Not a big smile, not even with my teeth, just a small smile. At the time, I didn't know how much that smile would mean to him....



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