chapter two: boot camp

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     I did well with training. However, I was worried about a certain Brunette. Eren had been struggling with the manuvering equipment, and kept flipping upside down. The other soldiers laughed at him, but I couldn't help but feel bad. He was trying his hardest, I know he was. 

     "Have Eren switch gear with him."
After Eren fell over again, when he had just been doing a good job a second before.

     Eren did as told, and went to a different set of gear. As he was raised up
He stayed up, and didn't flip over. He was doing it!

    A smile came onto my lips, Eren looked over and noticed, I immediately looked away, shaking the smile off my face. I could tell Eren was smiling at me though. I was proud of him.

    "It seems your gear was messed up Yeager...however you still managed to stay up for a few moments with the broken gear...that's some skill." Eren kept on smiling.

    "Does that mean I pass?" He asked.

     "You passed."

    (Time skip)

      "Armin...I need to tell you something." I said, as I watched Eren leave the room.

     "What is it Y/n?" The blonde asked, as his eyes watched closely at me closing the door behind me, and making sure we were the only two in the room.

     "Well, I would've talked to Mikasa...but she seems busy...and also..I think you might understand this better..." I explained.

    "Is this about Eren?" Armin asked.

    My face burned red at that statement, and Armin gave a knowing smile.

    "You love him, don't you?" He asked, sitting down on a bed and patting the spot next to him.

    I sat down beside him.

     "L-love is a strong word A-armin..." Was all I could get out.

    "Ok, have er- romantic feelings for him ..right?" Armin asked.

     I nodded slowly.

     "And you came to me for advice?" Armin seemed surprised.

     "I didn't know who else to talk to." I frowned. He nodded in understanding.

    "I don't even know if he likes guys..." I muttered.

     "I've known Eren for a long time...I never asked him, but as far as I know, he's never liked a girl chances are he does like boys...but you never know..." Armin answered.

      I shrugged.

     "You won't tell anyone right Armin?" I asked. He placed a hand over his heart.

     "Never, that's a promise." He smiled.

     "Thanks Armin." I smiled slightly.

      Suddenly the door opened, revealing Eren. When he saw Armin and I smiling at eachother, he seemed to be a little unsettled.

    "What are you two smiling at eachother like idiots, for?" He asked, his nose slightly scrunched up. Why does he seem so mad?

    "None of your business, anger issues." I retorted, playfully annoying him.

    He gritted his teeth, but then took a deep breath.

    (Time skip)

       "How did Eren get higher than me?" Jean complained.
      We were eating a feast to celebrate our graduation, and I was talking to Connie and Jean.

    "Hey Y/n, are you gonna eat that?" Sasha asked, almost drooling on my food.

    "Heh heh, you can have it Sasha..." I laughed nervously.

    "Y/n, you haven't been eating properly. You're going to need your strength if you wanna follow Eren to the stupid Survey Corps." Jean said.

    "Stupid? You mean like your face, horse face?" Eren retorted.

    From there, I tuned the both of them out. I didn't want to listen to them argue again. But my attention was drawn to them again when I saw Eren go outside.

    "I got it." I said, following him out.

    He was sitting down, and before sitting next to him I stopped behind him.

    "Lemme guess, your crying again?" I said, faking annoyance.

    He turned towards me with tears dripping down his face, and his eyes were red and puffy.

    "Shit- I didn't mean...uhm..sorry..that c-came out it because I called you anger issues?? I'm sorry..." I stuttered sitting by his side and turning to face him. I know Eren had been through a lot, and that's why he cried like he did. I should know better than to joke about it.

      "It's not that." Eren said quietly.

    "Eren, I might tease you but...I really hate seeing you cry..." I said, my voice breaking a little, causing him to turn towards me again. I held sadness in my eyes as well, just looking at his upset face.

     I wiped a tear off his face with the back of my hand, and brushed his hair back behind his ear.

     "Forgive me Eren." I tilted my head down, not wanting to see his tears anymore. I scooted back from him a bit, to give him space, but he grabbed my hand.

    "No.. I want you to stay close...please.." he said.

    "O-oh ok..." I said nervously, shifting back towards him, until our shoulders rested against one another.

    "Eren..."  I looked at him, he was still crying.

     I threw my arms around him, making him jump slightly in surprise. But, he embraced me as well.

      "Please stop crying now..." I said barely above a whisper. His head was in my shoulder, and I hear him mumble an 'mhm' as he calmed down.

      Just as we parted, Eren rubbed his eyes and I saw Armin and Mikasa walking towards us.

     "Sorry, are we interrupting?" Mikasa smirked.

     Eren and I both turned red and he flailed his arms around.

    "NO, WHAT?" He shouted.

     "IT'S NOT LIKE TH-THAT!" I added.

     They both just laughed and sat down with us.

     "I'm going to join the survey corps too Eren." Mikasa said. Eren's eyes widened.

    "But you're top of our class mikasa-"

     "I'm going wherever you're going." She said.

    "Same here." Armin added.

      "But armin, your good in the classr-"

       "Don't you get it idiot?" I began, he looked at me weirdly.

     "We're all coming with you." I smiled.

      Eren's face lit up a little bit red.

      "A-alright then." He smiled back.

       'this boy is going to drive me insane.'




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