Chapter 3

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As the girls were walking out of the station a feeling of realization hit them. The comfort they once felt was gone and in its place was a feeling of uncertainty. Both couldn't help but wonder what this new journey held for them. Questions were racing through their heads: Will it bring happiness? Will it bring pain? But both had the same answer. 

As long as they had each other they knew they would be okay. 

Excitement overwhelmed Violet, blossoming at the sight of Fred and George. She just truly missed them. They have a way of easing her anxious thoughts. In the back of her head she felt ashamed for allowing herself to feel this way. Ever since the death of her parents she feels as though that's the only thing she should be focusing on. Not two redheaded twins. It was as if they sensed she had begun to overthink. They got on either side of her and started to lighten the mood with snarky comments. She appreciated it more than they knew. 

They walked up on a new and improved flying car that the Weasleys must have gotten recently. The Weasleys commented that Harry and Ron had crashed the old car into the Whomping Willow Tree in their second year. This statement caused the girls to glance at each other. I guess they had this type of mischief to look forward to this school semester. 

They packed up the car with all of their luggage and Layla rushed into the front seat fighting off the twins for it. The twins loved giving Layla a hard time but she knew where they'd actually want to be sitting. After harassing Layla, they squeezed into the backseat next to Violet, getting in on either side of her. Violet definitely didn't mind having them next to her. She had a feeling they didn't mind either, especially with how comfortable they made themselves by throwing their arms over her shoulder. 

Layla on the other hand, was quite content with not having to sit in the back seat and share more space than needed. The entire ride, they kept making snarky comments about Violet. They'd obviously forgotten how fiery she could be because she had no problem shooting snarky comments right back. Violet saw the pleasant surprise in their eyes and they were taken aback. Their shock didn't last long though, as the car was soon filled with comments being fired back and forth the rest of the ride to the Burrow.

At the Burrow

 Walking up to the front door of the Weasley house has brought different emotions into both sisters. The only mutual feeling about the situation they're presented with is curiosity. As they entered the house, they could smell burning wood in the fireplace, and could hear erupting laughter from somewhere within. 

When they entered the kitchen, both girls caught site of Mr. Weasley. He seemed to be tinkering with something muggle-like. Not having noticed their entrance, the girls walked up to him and announced their presence. It seemed to startle him, causing him to drop whatever was in his hand. When he finally laid eyes on them, he stood up and engulfed them in a big hug. It seemed to affect Layla more than she cared or wanted to admit. She slyly wiped a stray tear from her eye from the feeling of being in a fatherly figures embrace again. 

Mr. Weasley expressed how much they'd grown since the last he'd seen them and how happy he was to have them there as he pulled away from the embrace. Afterward, Mrs. Weasley instructed the twins to show the girls up to their room and stated to return downstairs for supper once they were settled in. While walking away, the four of them faintly overhear Mrs. Weasley scolding Mr. Weasley about tinkering in the kitchen instead of his shed. This caused both sets of twins to chuckle while ascending the stairs. 

The girls were shown to Bills old room as he had just moved out. After helping them set up a few things, Fred and George excused themselves- Probably to go cause some type of mischief. The alone time allowed the girls to really take in their surroundings. Layla was glad to not be around a Weasley even if was just for a few minutes. Violet on the other hand was already wondering when they would make another appearance. 

While unpacking, the girls were able to talk with one another and start getting more comfortable with their new home. Layla saved no time with expressing her displeasure with the situation. Violet's only response was that she needed to give it a chance because whether she liked it or not, they were the only family they had left.

After they finished unpacking their belongings, they freshened up and headed downstairs for supper. By their surprise, Hermione and Harry were seated at the table along with the members of the Weasley family. They must have arrived when they were getting settled in. They each rose from their chair to give the girls a hug. 

It was refreshing to see other familiar faces. Layla was especially relieved. The girls had met them both a few times before but were never very close to them since they couldn't visit often. Nonetheless, the trio always tried to include them and always greeted the girls like old friends; That is when Violet wasn't fixated on Fred and George of course.  

As they were walking up to the table Mrs. Weasley announced that she had a welcoming present for them both. She handed them two small brown boxes with their names on top. With anticipation, Mrs. Weasley watched as they slowly opened their gifts. Inside were hand-knitted sweaters with their initials on it, just like how every single person of the family had. The thoughtfulness of the gift brought Violet to tears and she immediately rushed to give Mrs. Weasley a big hug. Layla just told her thank you and proceeded to smile at her sister hysterically crying into Mrs. Weasleys shoulder. 

Mrs. Weasley consoled Violet and her sobs until she finally calmed down. Layla then called Violet over to sit next to her and they all began to eat. The comfort of being around family ignited happiness into Violet and surprisingly Layla. The rest of the night consisted of laughter, good food, and shenanigan's. With a full heart and a full stomach, everyone headed off to bed for they would be heading to Diagon Ally tomorrow. 

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