Chapter 4

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Waking up to the smell of home-cooked breakfast Violet and Layla got out of bed and headed downstairs. As they entered the kitchen, they were met with the presence of five red-headed Weasleys: Ron, Ginny, Molly, Percy, and Arthur. Accompanying Ron was, of course, Harry and Hermione. They said their good mornings and sat down at the table. Violet looked around and wondered if the twins had gotten up yet. Right as she was about to ask, a small explosion was heard from upstairs. The sudden sound caused the girls to whip their heads around while everyone else seemed to be unbothered. The only other person that seemed to be concerned was Mrs. Weasley, as she yelled from the bottom of the stairs for them to stop fooling around and come eat.

Both twins rush downstairs entering their own little race to see who would reach the bottom first. George was leading the race until he tripped over Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, causing him to fall down the last few steps. He landed with a loud thump on the hard floor. Following a little too closely behind, Fred trips over George who was still splayed out. Layla not amused at their antics continues to take a bite of her pancakes. Violet on the other hand rushes to go help the clumsy twins who were sitting laughing at each other's pain. She pulls both boys up from the floor shaking her head laughing at their stupidity and walks back to her seat.

Finally able to enjoy her breakfast, Violet asks Molly what was on the agenda for the day. Mrs. Weasley grabbed the scroll off the counter that was received earlier that morning from Hogwarts. The scroll stated what supplies they would need for their first year there. As the girls listened to Mrs. Weasley read out the necessities, they finished the rest of their breakfast.

Mrs. Weasley was listing the stores they were to visit that day but was interrupted by George and Ron fighting over the last two chocolate pancakes. Within a few seconds of the argument, a piece of bacon goes flying across Layla's face and hits Ron right between the eyes. She glares in the direction from which the bacon came and sees a hysterical Fred. This throws Ron off just enough for George to steal the last two pancakes and shovel them into his mouth before Ron can retaliate. Percy and Hermione just scoff at their idiocy while Mrs. Weasley shakes her head. She states that since they want to fight and throw food they're now in charge of cleaning up the kitchen.

Giggling at the boys' defeat, Violet and Layla head upstairs to get ready to head to Diagon Ally. Layla decides to go for a more elevated day look just in case she meets someone of importance. She always wants to be ready for a good first impression. Violet on the other hand goes for her staple cute and casual look. Once they're finished, they meet the Weasleys by the fireplace. While waiting for Mr. Wealsey to fetch the floo powder, the twins start making small remarks about Laylas outfit and how ridiculously over the top she looks. Layla spits back about how she won't be taking fashion advice from two people who obviously don't know how to dress. Before Layla can do any more damage, Violet nudges her with a look that begs her to cool it. Layla raises her hands in surrender backing off from the fight.

Right as Layla does this, Mr. Weasley rounds the corner, floo powder in hand. Asking if everyone is ready, he lights the fireplace and enters it first himself shouting "Diagon Alley!". The rest of the family following until it was just Layla and Violet left. Violet and Layla take the powder and one after the other disappear within the green flames.


I thankfully come out of the fireplace with my outfit unscathed. I'm not sure why the twins thought their comments about my outfit would mean anything. I look fucking hot, that's all that matters. I mean I could meet my future husband here.

When I get to Diagon Alley, I'm met with Violet talking to the twins, and everyone else trying to figure out where they need to go.

Mrs. Weasley pulls out the scroll and says, " Fred and Violet, both of you head to Gringotts and Layla and George you head to Flourish and Blotts for the books.". She tells everyone else where they need to go and walks away with Mr. Weasley to god knows where.

George looks at me grinning and says " oh this should be fun!"

"No thank you,the last thing I want is " one on one" time with you so you can go with Layla and Fred and I will go get the books."

Fred laughs at George's shocked look and tells me " like we said, so charming!" I flip him off.

"Asshole" I fire back.

I look at Violet to make sure she will be okay if I head off without her and she nods her head yes. With her approval, I head in the direction of the bookshop. I enjoy walking the busy streets of Diagon Alley by myself. Surrounded by people rushing to get their last-minute supplies for the trip to Hogwarts tomorrow.

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