Chapter 2

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I step off the platform and I immediately notice 3 of the 9 members of the vibrant red-haired family waiting for us: the Weasley's. Our closest family friends. This time we're all older and the atmosphere a little more somber. Well, I guess we are orphans now after all... Honestly, I don't think it's hit me yet.

Ever since Layla and I's parents died a few weeks ago, my thoughts are filled with worry for her and what our future holds. I've always been able to read her mind, know what she's thinking, finish her thoughts even when she can't, but lately I haven't been able to. I had a close relationship with both of my parents, in particular with my mother. We shared a love for dragons, it allowed us to have a connection that her and Layla never quite had unfortunately. They never really seemed to click the way we did.

Layla was a full on "daddy's girl" no question about it and I can't help but feel like she blames our mother for all of this. Even if so, I doubt she'd ever tell me in attempt to spare my own feelings. I really just wish I knew what she was feeling. I've been too afraid to actually sit down with her and face it all again.

Once we heard the news, we didn't talk or speak to one another for 3 days and that's legitimately never happened. Mom and Dad used to beg us to shut up. We could never stay separated even if we tried. Finally, I was the one who broke the silence on day 4; We cried, we hugged, and that's all the emotions we got out of one another ever since. It's like all we have now are empty conversations. Can't really blame us though, how does anyone move on from shit like this?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the one and only Molly Weasley.

"Oh, hello my darling girls", she said as cheery as she could possibly muster, even though I could see the pain behind her eyes. When faced with a situation like this, it's hard to hide. She quickly brings us both in for a loving hug.

It makes me miss my own mother's hugs and for that reason I hug her a little bit tighter and a little bit longer. She knows. She always does.

Mrs. Weasley has always been able to read me like a book since I was young. A strange connection we've formed but a good one, nonetheless.

Layla was the first to pull away. Molly takes a step back and looks us up and down, slightly teary eyed, but quickly pulls herself together. She can tell the last thing Layla and I want right now is any more pity.

"I know you girls have had a long trip let's get you home to rest, Mr. Weasley and the rest of the kids should be home by now." She says as she starts to look around for her boys. Immediately annoyed she states "I swear Fred and George are always disappearing...". I light up at the mention of their names.

I know it sounds wrong but I'm actually excited to see the twins. I have always had a crush on them, but I think they've only ever seen me as a little sister. Maybe I will be able to change that this year... we shall see. I know it's wrong to crush on both of them, but I can't help it, they are both so damn cute.

Other than Layla, I have a feeling they will be the only thing keeping me sane through all of this. If anyone can make me laugh or turn a bad situation good, it's them. Ever since I was young, I loved hanging around those mischievous boys. They bring so much fun into life, it's infectious. Even Layla can't deny- actually... she would definitely deny. I wouldn't say she's exactly fond of the Weasley's, especially Fred and George but I know for a fact they've made her laugh at least.... 3 times? I mean, that's more than anyone, other than me of course. I take pride in the fact that I have definitely made her laugh more than 3 times. Layla can be a bit too serious especially when it comes to being around the Weasley's, but I can't help but love her. You know what they say though, opposites attract right?

"They can't be too far I just saw them when I was coming off the train" Layla stoically says, "that fucking red hair is impossible to miss" she mumbles under her breath but just loud enough for me to hear.

I nudge her giving her a sharp look. Not caring, she nudges me back harder. She has absolutely no remorse for the things she says. Oh god does she know how to push my buttons.

Before I could even retaliate Molly just shouts "BOYS!!!" and turns her back for one second. That's all it takes with them. Within that second, in good old Fred and George style- they're right behind her.

"Geez mother!" Fred says

"No need to scream, we're right here." George continued, impressed as they both successfully startle their mother. A very simple prank but effective enough to make me giggle. They immediately take notice and their eyes light up at the sight of me. I see them look me up and down and I cant help but get a boost of confidence at the thought of them seeing me as something more than a little sister.

"Oh, don't worry they'll be plenty more things for you to actually laugh at now that you'll be staying with us" George says with those bright mischievous eyes of his.

"Yeah, like George's horrid shower singing" Fred jokingly says

"Or Fred's" George fires back.

They continue in their banter until they are full on having a sing off in the middle of the train station. I begin truly laughing, it feels like I haven't laughed this hard in months when I know it's only been weeks.

I throw my arm over Layla's shoulder as to try to ease her growing tension as I sense her annoyance. Molly yells at them to hush up and grab our bags.

"Come on mother" George pushes

"Just a nice welcoming gift for the lovely Saffron ladies" Fred says with a wink.

God these two are adorable but Layla has never been so unamused. The twins now take notice in her stoic expressions and Fred continues with a,

"Nice to see you're still just as charismatic since the last we've seen you, Layla!"

I bust out laughing again while she just sneers at their retreating form. I faintly hear George say

"What charm she has!!" as they both begin to exit the station.

Already exhausted by the twins' charades, Layla huffs out "What has my life come to..."

"Come on Layla, let's try to make the best of a hard situation, no?" I say back.

She just gives me a look that says "no."

Nonetheless we walk out together following the Weasley's, arms linked. After all, she's my best friend.

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