Chapter 5

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I have to be honest, I've felt more at home walking around amongst other wizards than I've felt in a long time. I feel safe and not so alone in this big world.

Mrs. Weasley gave me a copy of all of the books I needed for this semester but I decided to make a pit stop first. I decided to stop by the Magical Menagerie and get a cat. Everyone needs a companion and lets face it I could use one. When Violet and I get to Hogwarts our schedules will be completely different, I won't be able to see her much. The last thing I need is to be alone everyday. I know I act like a hard ass and that I don't need anyone but that's the farthest from the truth. I don't think there would be a better animal for me than a cat.

I walk into the store and immediately notice the warmth and coziness of the atmosphere compared to the slight breeze from outside. There are cages upon cages with all types of animals in them. They have ravens, bunnies, frogs, snails, and so much more. As I walked deeper into the store the owner greets me and let me know she'd be walking around if I need any help.

The first thing I spot is the rats- I'm sorry but who in their right mind would want a rat as a companion. Other than Ron of course, his turned out to be Peter Pettigrew which just proves my point. Creepy little shits. There's one little boy staring into their cages admiring them and all I can think of is how I will be staying far far away from him at Hogwarts. I pass all sorts of animals until I finally come across the cats. I'm admiring them all until one cat in particular catches my eye. She has this beautiful long grey hair with incredible crystal blue eyes. She slowly walks to the front of the cage that is obviously too small for her and rubs up against my hand that I gently placed out for her. She's the perfect cat for me. I hurry and walk up to the owner to let her know I've made my decision. She tells me there's an option to have her sent to Hogwarts for the first day of school or I could pick her up later when I'm done shopping for supplies. Of course I told her I'll pick her up once I'm done. I will not leave my new baby stuck in that cage any longer.

Once I leave the store I immediately start thinking of names for her. I got so consumed by the excitement of getting to pick out a name I forgot everything I was supposed to be doing. By the time I realized this I had walked all the way to the bad part of diagon alley. I started looking around. Where the hell am I? I couldn't even finish my next thought before I accidentally ran into someone. Shit, I really need to start paying more attention.

"I'm so sorry !" I quickly started saying. I do NOT want to get caught up in some crazy shit or crazy witches over here. That is the last thing I want to do. When I looked up to finally see who I was apologizing to... it was not anything or anyone I would've expected.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Says this devilishly handsome man. He has snow white hair that is perfectly placed on his head. I don't think there is a single hair out of place. He's glaring down at me and honestly I think I forgot to talk for a second his glare was so intense. I just couldn't help but stare at every inch of him.

Oh shit. Speak Lyla

"Fuck. Im so sorry!" I spat out as he started to analyze me.
"I mean.. you were in the middle of the road though. So It's slightly your fault."
I continued. It's like these words vomited out of me. Dammit. My smart ass mouth is going to get me killed one day. Let's hope it's not today.. but honestly I wouldn't mind if it was this handsome ass man that killed me.

I'm guessing that was the wrong thing to say because he slowly walks towards me and whispers into my ear, "do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" Obviously not you fucking douche. If I wasn't so nervous, I probably would have said it. I was trying so hard to stop myself from stuttering but he was just so damn close to me that I could smell his heaven sent cologne. It literally made my knees go weak, I had to hold onto the door frame beside me .
"No I don't know who you are." I say, as I hear him mumble something about me being a stupid American girl.

This guy has no idea what he's getting into, I live for this type of shit and he is fueling the fire. Not to mention he's hot as hell.
"Do I make you nervous sweetheart ?" I've never been so speechless in my entire life. He was hot before but holy fuck did this man turn it up a notch.

I had to come up with something to say quick. I back up a little bit just so I can focus. I was getting way too consumed by his, again, heavenly scent and tall stature.
"Not sure who "sweetheart" is, but my names Layla. And you are?"
Attempting to add my own fuel to the fire I give him a little attitude. I think I feel my confidence start to come back.

He laughs at my answer. I hope this guy doesn't think I'll get scared and run because I'm starting to enjoy this little interaction.

"I don't think you've meant to come to this part of town now have you Layla?" His voice gets low & deep.
"There's some people down here you don't want to get mixed with. How about I show you the way out?" He says as he put his hand on my lower back guiding me out of the dark street towards the main road.

"Are you one of those people I shouldn't get mixed up with?" I say back jokingly. "because if you are, I wouldn't mind. I actually like them bad." Smirking, I glance up at him to see if what I said got to him at all. As I look up it seems he's been staring at me the whole time. I felt a blush start to creep up so immediately I had to turn away. Gotta keep it cool..

Out of nowhere, he stops walking and grabs my ahold of my arm. With his other hand he grabs my chin to make sure I'm looking him in the eyes as he says, "Be careful what you wish for sweetheart. My world is pretty fucked up. I don't think you'd "like them bad" once you've got a taste." 
Damn. I'm fucked. But honestly, I don't think I mind. I don't say anything after that. We continue to walk together, him guiding me with his hand still on my lower back. After a few silent minutes we finally reach the main road. I'm now realizing how far I actually traveled. He holds his arm up gesturing that we made it. I look at him in thanks and continue to walk. Quickly I realized he wasn't by side and looked back. He was already walking back the way we came.

"Hey you never told me your name!" I call out.

He slowly turns around and with that signature devilish grin and says,
"It's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"And am I going to see you at Hogwarts Mr. Malfoy, or will you be too busy getting mixed up with those bad people?" He doesn't answer me and just winks my way and turns to continue down the road. I just know this boy is going to break my heart.

I turn back onto the road and take a look at my list of supplies that I still haven't even gotten. I can thank Draco Malfoy for that.. I walk into the store, first thing I hear is Violet calling my name. Was I really gone that long? I walk towards my sister and realize the twins are right behind her holding piles of books ready to buy.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Asks Violet. "We looked in every shop!"


"But you were nowhere to be found! I was so worried."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I got a little lost" I start to say as I lead her away from the twins, "but i think I found my future husband." I start to tell her everything. Everything with "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy", his smell, our banter, the way his hand felt on my lower back, and of course my cat that I still haven't picked a name for.

Violet shrieks "A KITTEN?"
I laugh at her excitement. "Yes!!!"
"Wait I want one!"
"What's all the fuss about?" George asks as him and Fred walk over.
"Layla got a cat!"
"Oh.. so you do have a heart for living things then?" Fred jokes.
Violet nudges him. "Fred!"
I just roll my eyes. "Just not idiot twins."
"What a shame" "I think we'll live" George and Fred say at the same time.
Completely ignoring them I grab Violet's hand and run names by her as we all grab our newly bought books. Afterward we all head to the Magical Menagerie to grab my new baby and hopefully Violet's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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