Chapter 5.

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NOTE: in this story Burr has two sisters well in real life he really does have two. But I could not find out about the second sister since she past on at such a yong age a tragedy do I made up her name since I couldn't find it.

Few minutes later after Lee and Laurens run off. Burr decides to go to the bathroom in the Mess Hall bathrooms agreeing to meet up with Jefferson and Madison at the cabin they were all staying.

More minutes pass by and Burr leaves the men's restroom. "Hello bastarded burr." A voice said. Burr stops at his tracks turns aroubd to see who it is. And of course it was Reynolds and Eacker was with him. "Oh hello Reynolds and Eacker how are you." Burr and gives a small wave to the two boys. "Dont greet me asshole. I'm sick of tired of seeing your face." Reynold exclaims and points th middle finger. "Oh hi Burr apologies for Reynolds behaviour." George said giving the boy a small smile. "Oh no its okay I kind off deserve it." Burr said. "God damn your right for once I mean you can't you just die." Reynolds said and immediately started walking towards Burr and whispers: "Dont you dare think you're some innocent person you should join your sister in hell." Burr froze in shocked and Reynold smiled with amusement as Eacker drags him away from Burr. "Whatever he said please don't take it to heart." Eacker said. "How could you say that Reynolds she didn't deserve such a tragedy ending." Burr exclaimed. "Well thanks to your sister, I'll never see my mother again. You bitch." James shouted back. "Enough!! I know you lost someone you love but stop acting that. You're an adult James act like one." Eacker said and drags Reynolds out of the mess hall. 'why Susan why did you have to die.' Burr thought as begins tearing up but quickly swiped them away and soon left the mess hall.

The boys wrote anonymous letters and seperated. Lee rushed to his cabin to place Burr's letter on top of his bed. After doing so the door opened of his cabin. "As I was saying Jemmy I'm just- oh Charles what are you doing here." Thomas said. "We thought you were still with Laurens. Wait since when do you talk to Laurens" Madison said. "Oh well... He said he needed help with something his friends couldn't help with." Lee lied. "I guess Aaron wasn't you with then." Jefferson said as he lays down on his bed. "Huh.. You guys seperated with Burr." Lee said. "Yeah but he said he was going to restroom but he's taking forever so we thought maybe he is with you." Jefferson stated. "Maybe we should look for Burr." Madison said and as soon as he Jefferson stood up Burr enters. "Oh Burr there you we about to look for you... You good." Charles as after seeing his best friend upset. "Of course I'm okay just think I should take a walk." Burr said as he tries to smile to seem happy but everyone could see that he was upset. That he look like he was crying."Aaron come on you tell us anything. You trust right." James Madison said as he escorts Burr to Jefferson's bed. "I guess I can't fool you guys. Well I had a talk with Reynolds and-" Burr explained but was quickly disturbed by Jefferson. "Wait you talked to that asshole. What did he say." Jefferson disturbed. "Well you know him anything to try and ruin my life." Burr said. "I'm really going to kill that fool." Madison exclaimed clutching his fists. "Its okay this nothing." Burr said "Come on it could be worse like how he locked you in bathroom(Lee gave a guilty smile after hearing that statement). "Please leave it." Burr said stood up and went to his bed which was across Thomas's and sat on it and hearing weird crunch sounding like a crunch of a paper. Burr quickly stood up to see a paper. "What's that." Lee said pretending not know what that paper was. "I don't know I think it's a letter. But I dont like that it's on my bed." Burr said. "Well open it we don't know until we see for ourselves." Thomas said. "Well it says:

Dear Aaron Burr

I would like to meet you at first ruins in the forest. At 4:30pm today talk about something very important to me. And I really look forward to our meeting.

your secret admirer XOXO.

"Don't meet up with them it could Reynolds for all we know" Thomas said. "Yeah but we won't know until we found out." Lee said trying to persuade burr in going. "You are right Thomas maybe Burr can go but we near and burr can shout for and we stop anything from happening. Plus I doubt that Reynolds knows where our cabin is" Madison said. "Great idea and Burr,I would love to be there with you but I just remember I need to meet up with our teach then so I guess I can't come." Charles lied. "Ok then I'm going to meet up with this person." Burr said.

After leaving Charles he finally arrives at his cabin and enters. "So John you took longer than I expected you to." Hercules said. "Yeah sorry I'm here so whats up." John said and Muligan begins explaining about whats going on. "Oh I see then.. Is that a wasp hive. John said and points towards the left corner of the ceiling distracting his friends and quickly places the letter near Alex since he was on his own bed. "Oh shit I think it is. I guess we should the consellors then." Laf said. And the boys agreed. Alex removes his right hand of his lap on his bed but hears something weird where his hand was and saw that it was a paper. "What the fuck is this." Alex says as he picks up the paper. "I dont know. I think its a letter open it." Laf said. Hamilton opens and letter and reading the letter. It was the same as Burr's except it had his name instead of Aaron. "So are you going." John hestitantly asked. "I don't I'm not in a mood to tell someone I'm not interested." Alex said lays on his bed. "Come on so you're just gonna sit there as the person waits for hours for you." John stated. "Stop trying to make me guilty John. Since when do you care about people feelings." Alex said. "I don't you asshole but atleast reject hi-them. So go bitch." Laurens said and hits Alex on the head. "Those two are going to accidentally kill each other." Muligan said and Laf noded and turns towards the window to see James(Madison) waving at him. "I need to go somewhere Mi Amie(my love) see you later." Laf said and kisses his boyfriend on the cheeck and proceeds to leave.

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