OSS 1: Bestfriend

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"Bes, bakit parang nagbago ka na." I said with a sigh.

"What's with your drama again!?" I was taken aback by his shouting.

"I-I didn't know..."

"Sam, can't you just stop adding to my problems! you're just my friend." I felt hurt hearing those words.

I couldn't believe that those words came out of his mouth.

I held back my tears from falling. "Wow, Sean. It's the first time I've heard that from you. I know I'm just your friend. But don't make me feel like I'm just a problem to you. If you're having issues with your girlfriend, don't drag our friendship into it!" I shouted back at him.

"Oh, why are you reacting like that? You're just a friend-"

"That's right...I'm just your friend. So what, our friendship will just be ruined because of---"

"Just stop. Okay, I'll go after Sarah." He bid me goodbye.

I let out a deep breath before following him.

I held his hand to make him stop.

"Stop. I know that I am just a hindrance to you and Christine. I thought you would fulfill your promise, "No one can replace you in my heart". But hshshs, I noticed that I no longer have a place in your heart." I was about to leave when he suddenly blocked my way.

"What's wrong?"

"You're always like this. I know I'm not the one in your heart, but ever since Sarah came into your life, it feels like you're pushing me away. What happened? Didn't you say before that, even if you have a girlfriend, I won't be erased from your heart? You even said that there will always be a place for me as your friend. But now...it's okay, I'm leaving anyway. I just wanted to talk to you earlier to say goodbye. Alright, thank you for everything." After saying that, I left.

Tears began to fall as I walked towards our car.

"I was right, I have no place in his heart."

He didn't even follow me.


Nandito ako ngayon sa labas ng bahay..

I heard my phone ringing, and I saw Sean's name flashing on the screen. Reluctant to answer, I took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said, my voice trembling with sadness.

"Sam, wait! Please don't leave," Sean pleaded, his voice filled with regret. "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was angry and frustrated with everything going on with Sarah, but that's no excuse for taking it out on you."

My heart ached at his words, but I needed to stand my ground. "Sean, it's not just about this one incident. It feels like our friendship has been slowly fading ever since Christine came into the picture."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and I could hear Sean taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Sam. I never meant to make you feel like you're less important to me. That's not true at all. You've always been there for me, and I wouldn't be who I am without you. I messed up, and I want to fix it."

My anger started to dissipate, but doubts still lingered. "How can I believe you, Sean? Words are easy, but actions speak louder."

"I understand your skepticism, but please give me another chance," he pleaded. "Let me make it up to you. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I could trust him again. But deep down, I knew that our friendship meant too much to throw away. "Okay, Sean. But only if you're willing to work on our friendship and keep your promises."

"I promise, Sam. I'll do whatever it takes to mend our friendship," he said sincerely.

Relief washed over me as I realized that we still had a chance to salvage what we had. "Alright, let's meet up later and talk things through. But this time, no distractions. Just you and me."

Hindi ko alam kung tama pa ba ang gagawin ko. Ayaw kong maging sagabal sa kanila ng girlfriend niya. Pero, kaibigan niya ako at alam kong kailangan niya rin ako.

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