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though i can't fully control it, i can kinda use my quirk now. my father has been training me. i've learned how to use makeup to cover scars.

we also found something else. something that i thought would be good but turned out to be a nightmare. my father is egotistic and doesn't let me do anything but train, go to school, and necessities like eating.

i sat down in my seat. i'm so not ready for school today. today they are announcing which high school everyone applied to. 

after going through all of the high schools, i finally heard kacchan's name. "and our very own katsuki bakugo has applied for the prestigious UA!" the teacher proudly exclaimed causing the class to go wild.

oh no! here it comes.

"also it seems y/n midoriya has also applied to UA." the teacher said softly shooting me an apologetic smile.

i felt all eyes on me. if only i could shrink. i hear complaints all over the room. "she's useless why would she apply?!" "she can't control her quirk what makes her think she can even get past the entrance exams!!!"

i didn't have to look back to know kacchan was fuming.

when class ended, everyone left..... or so i thought.

"why did you apply to UA deku?!" kacchan asked quite rudely. "b-because i'm gonna become the next a-all might!" i start timidly but finish sternly.

i picked up my hero journal, about to put it in my yellow bookbag, when kacchan started yelling. "give me that it's not like you'll need it anyway!"

when i refused to let it go, one of his buddies shoved me. i was shocked not knowing that there were other people in the room other than us. i was snapped back to reality, after my panic, to the heat on my hands and in my mouth. i had singed some of kacchan's hair, but he dodged most of it. i attempted to stop, trying to salvage my notebook. the flames only ended when i felt my fingers burning under the intense heat.

i dropped my notebook wincing at the pain i caused myself. kacchan picked it up, waving it in my face, before throwing it out of the window. i quickly went to the window watching as the front cover was soaked by the koi fish pond.

he and his friends walked out laughing just before he left he proudly stated "you should take a swan dive off the building and hope for a better quirk in your next life."

if he hadn't left in such a hurry he would've heard me whisper loudly "you forgot the s..." i'm rather glad he didn't hear because nobody is supposed to know.

i walk to the koi pond to retrieve my journal. i shoo the fish and grab my sopping notebook.

"he shouldn't go around saying that. what if i listened?" i say not concerned if someone hears.

i get to a crossroad with a huge crowd. i see kamui woods fighting a giant villian. mt. lady shows up and helps kamui take down the villian.

Ever since their first fight together, they've almost always been seen together. It causes a lot fanfiction s to be written, and of course fanart.

i'm walking down a tunnel rereading the new hero notes in my journal. suddenly, i'm wrapped in green goop. i can no longer breathe when it starts to speak.

"just give up so i can take your body. then we'll both get what we want: i, a getaway pass, and you, a stronger body."

just as i ran out of air i saw a red, yellow, and blue figure yell "I AM HERE!!!"


HGHAKSBSHSBS I GOT THIS POSTED WITHIN A MONTH OF THE FIRST CHAPTER I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!! i was gonna make this longer but i'll just end this here hope you like love y'all baiiiii


660 words

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