𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎/𝚙𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘 - 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

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When I got onto the RV, I was met with so many faces, it was overwhelming for me, especially since it was just an hour after I watched my family die. The old man at the wheel smiled softly at me and when I looked at everyone else, I felt like throwing up. That's now nervous and anxious I was.

Anita saw four other people in the RV as well as the old man at the wheel but she didn't feel like talking to any of them. There was a blonde woman, an African American woman, an African American man, and an Asian guy. Anita looked at the ground and walked to the back of the RV to sit by herself. She felt a little self conscious and embarrassed. All these people stopped just to pick her up off the side of the road where she was crying. She found a space at the back and sat down, avoiding everyone's glances at her. The RV started and pretty soon, they were off.

I was pretty content just sitting there all by myself. I had no interest in talking to anyone but I guess that didn't stop the Asian guy from coming up to me. I was wishing and praying he was just planning on walking past me but instead, he sat down right next to me with some rubbing alcohol and fresh bandages in his hand.

"Hi, I'm Glenn." The Asian with the baseball cap said before sitting down next to Anita. Anita looked up at him, her face covered in dry tears, her hair still a mess and her clothes all dirty.

"Anita." She mumbled before looking away again. Her heart still felt heavy and all she wanted to do was cry. Too bad Rick stopped by and interrupted.

"I get that something probably happened and you don't wanna talk right now. I respect that. I just figured someone should take care of your bleeding elbow before it gets infected." Glenn said, making Anita look down at her elbow which was covered with wet and dry blood. "You don't mind, do you?"

Anita looked at Glenn and could tell he was a nice guy straight off the bat. She shook her head slowly, making Glenn smile before opening the cap of rubbing alcohol. She hissed a little in pain when she felt it on her skin. "Sorry." Glenn said but Anita shook her head. Obviously, it was going to hurt.

Glenn didn't have to tend to my elbow but he did. He cleaned it and bandaged it up without asking for anything in return. He even respected the fact that I didn't want to talk. That's how I know he's a nice guy. I wouldn't mind getting to know him better when I feel better after everything that's happened.

"Thank you." Anita mumbled to Glenn who smiled warmly at her before leaving. She sighed and looked out of the window, seeing trees and bushes being left behind. She even saw an occasional muerto or two and flashbacks of her family's death would appear in her mind, making her squeeze her eyes shut as a tear fell down her cheek.


When we arrived in the city, the instant odour of dead bodies hit everyone in the group. There were corpses everywhere. I don't think any of them were muertos since they weren't getting up and chasing us as we made our way to the CDC building. I noticed other group members and two kids. I still didn't know anyone's names but I was in no mood for introductions after the day I had.

Anita looked around the group and noticed they were all carrying guns to protect themselves but she had nothing. Anita had no idea how to use a gun or even how to kill a muerto. She hoped none would turn up where they were or she would most likely be the first to go. Although, it didn't feel like such a bad idea. Just because Anita was now in a group, it still didn't mean she had anything to live for.

Anita watched as Rick led the group to the CDC. When she felt eyes on her, she turned around and saw the man she recognised as Daryl, looking at her before he looked away again.

When I noticed Daryl looking at me, I didn't know what to think. I figured he was wondering why I was even with his group to begin with. Maybe he saw me as another dead girl. I see myself as another dead girl so I wasn't surprised by that. I noticed he's cute. He has lovely blue eyes and short, dark hair but I can't be looking at men. In my culture, my dad taught me I wasn't allowed to date anyone. I can't be in a relationship with anyone. I wasn't allowed to kiss anyone or have sex with anyone, not until I was married. My dad is dead now so I know I have to at least honour that teaching of his. No relationships. Period.

When the group got to the front of the CDC building, Rick and a man in a black shirt tried to open the shutters but it didn't work. Anita used her hand to cover her nose from the stench of the rotting corpses laying just a few feet away from them. It was quickly beginning to get dark and the group were clearly panicking.

"Walkers!" The group heard Daryl yell before he turned around and shot a muerto in the head with his crossbow. So, this group called them walkers. Anita noticed the kids getting worried and hugging their mothers. Anita didn't really care if muertos were coming. She wanted to die. If a muerto got her, so be it. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl yelled at Rick.

"He made a call." The old man with the fisherman's hat said.

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl yelled, clearly annoyed.

"Just shut up. You hear me? Shut up. Shut up!" The man with the black hair said to Daryl before going over to Rick. "Rick, this is a dead end."

The group began panicking and looking around for any more muertos that could have been approaching them as the sky was getting darker and darker. Anita simply watched the scene unfold. Like she had mentioned before, she didn't care if she died.

Rick began banging on the shutters after claiming that he saw a camera move. A woman with brown hair when over to Rick, trying to convince him to leave but he wouldn't.

"If you don't let us in, you're killing us!" Rick yelled at the camera as the same black haired man tried pulling him away and just as everyone was about to leave, the shutter opened.

"If you don't let us in, you're killing us!" Rick yelled at the camera as the same black haired man tried pulling him away and just as everyone was about to leave, the shutter opened

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