𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 - 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Dear Diary,
Dale died yesterday. It was heart breaking. The poor man was ripped open by a muerto. Dale deserved so much better than that. Everyone in the group looked up to him. We had a funeral for Dale and put him to rest. I hope he's at peace with his wife. After the funeral, Hershel decided it would be safer for us to move into his home since muertos were getting closer to the farm and it was no longer safe for us to camp outside. I didn't do much throughout the day. I pretty much just moved stuff around in the house but what happened tonight, it changed everything.

Anita was out in the woods by herself. She often liked to slip out and practise killing muertos. She could be stuck in a situation where she could be the only able fighter so she had to learn to fight. She had to learn to defend herself. Anita would often practise with a knife as well as with a spear gun. It had been picked up by Glenn during one of his runs into town and Anita immediately took a liking to it.

It was starting to get dark. Anita was still in the woods. She had run into multiple muertos, killing them all successfully. She wished she had been able to defend her family like this but now, she could prevent more people from dying. It had gotten completely dark at this point and Anita knew she had to start making her way back to the farm. It wasn't safe being in the woods after dark.

I was beginning to make my way back to the farm with a flashlight in hand. I hadn't realised how much time had passed of me killing muertos. I was praying everyone back on the farm weren't too worried about me. I was expecting to maybe run into a muerto or two but when one did appear in front of me, I was very confused.

"Randall?!" Anita gasped when she saw him as a muerto, staggering towards her. She quickly pulled her spear gun out and pulled the trigger, causing the spear to fly into Randall's brain, killing him. Anita heard rustling and turned around to see Glenn and Daryl appear from the bushes.

"Anita?" Glenn asked.

"What are yer doin' out here after dark?" Daryl asked. "Are ya' okay? Are ya' hurt?"

"I'm fine, Daryl. I just ran into Randall. He's a muerto." Anita said, pointing to Randall's body. Glenn and Daryl crouched down in front of it and Daryl pulled the spear out of his brain.

"Nice shot." Glenn said as Daryl handed the spear back to her.

"How the hell did he get out?" Anita asked.

"Shane said he got the jump on him, knocked him out and ran." Daryl said.

"This tiny little guy knocked Shane out?" Anita said.

"I know. Hard to believe." Glenn said as Daryl checked Randall's body.

"He got his neck broke." Daryl said. "But he's got no bites."

"Yeah, none that you can see." Glenn said.

"No, I'm tellin' ya', he died from this." Daryl said.

"I don't understand. If he died from a broken neck, how did he turn?" Anita asked.

I was very confused. I still am. Randall had no bites or scratches. As far as anybody knows, that's how people turn into muertos.


After leaving the woods, Daryl, Glenn and Anita returned back to the house. They explained everything to Anita, how Randall apparently escaped and how Rick and Shane were still out looking for him. They figured the two must have gone back to the house since it was dark out.

Daryl explained to the group what had happened with Randall in the woods and when he left the house to find Rick and Shane, he saw a herd of muertos headed towards the farm. A few others, including Anita went to the porch where Daryl was and spotted the herd.

"Maybe they're just passing like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn asked, panicking a little.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs we don't know about." Daryl said. "Herd that size will rip the house down."

Lori eventually came outside, panicking at the fact that she couldn't find Carl anywhere and Carol offered to go and find him with her. Everyone eventually ended up gearing up with guns, ready to fight.

"Ya' gonna be okay?" Daryl asked and Anita nodded.

"Yeah, go. Be careful, okay?" Anita said and Daryl nodded. "And....I...."

I wanted to tell Daryl how I feel about him but I just didn't have the courage to. If I had known I was going to be separated from him, I would have told him right there and then.

"Just...be safe." Anita said.

"Yeah, you, too." Daryl said before quickly running off to kill the muertos.


Killing the muertos was all a blur to me. There were so many, everywhere I turned. The barn was on fire at one point. It was all a huge mess. I spotted Lori getting Beth into a truck and she called out to me to get in but I was swarmed with muertos and I couldn't get to them so I had no choice but to run.

Anita ended up finding herself alone in the woods. She had no idea how to get back to the farm. It was so dark and everything looked the same. Anita didn't know what to do. She just hoped everyone got off the farm safely. Looking around and seeing nothing but trees and shrubs, Anita began walking anywhere, really.

It had taken Anita all night but she ended up getting back to the highway, hoping maybe the group fled there from the barn. When she arrived, Anita felt her heart sinking when she saw two vehicles driving away as well as Daryl's motorcycle.

"Wait! Daryl! Rick!" Anita called out as she ran but they were too far away and they eventually turned a corner, disappearing from her line of sight.

I'm still stuck at the highway. I can't believe everyone is gone. I'm all on my own. I'm going to stay here for another day or two, hopefully someone will come back. I'm praying that they will. I don't want to be on my own.

 I don't want to be on my own

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