Chapter 35 (The Outpost Trip)

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June 28th 2022

Preston: (eating his Dinner)

Jared: Oh And last thing for tonight we have something from our wilderness Survival staff!!

Ty: Wooo!!!

Blake: What is up Camp Epsilon well I am the Camp Wilderness Survival Director me and My instructors will be going on A WILLDERNESS SURVIVAL OUTPOST TRIP!

Gabriel: That's right we will be travling to the backwoods of Oregon for FIVE WHOLE DAYS!

Zachary: With little to no first world resources 

Blake: However we can only take 12 Boys and you must be at least 14 Years old sorry younglings (puts the sign up sheet on the table) First come first serve Oh We Leave Tomorrow at noon!  

Preston: (makes eye contact with Kiefer) We doing tis babe

Kiefer: Fuck Yeah we are baby

(they run up)

Preston: First on the list 

Kiefer: It's gonna be so fun

Nathan: Well I can't let you two nerds have all the fun (signs up)

Jackson: Me too (signs up)

Preston: Yes The Shower Club is back together!!!!!

Kiefer: Speaking of which you guys down tonight

Nathan: OH Hell's Yeah

Jake: (signs up)

Preston: Really Jakey 

Jake: Yeah It will be fun

Preston: Awesome (embraces him)

Jackson: Hey Jake....wanna join us for shower club tonight

Jake: Really 

Preston: Sure I'd love to have you 

Jake: DOPE!!!!

Preston: Well Let's get out of here 

Kiefer: (wraps his arm around him) I wonder who the remaining 7 will be 

Preston: Should be Intresting that is for sure 

(soon after)

Dakota: That was great Kid 

Krew: Of course It was I'm a beast!  and an absolute freak in the sheets 

Dakota: (kisses him) Ugh If you were older I'd date you in a second 

Krew: Nope Not the dating Type see ya (leaves)

Dakota: Krew Bingham (licks his lips)

(soon after) 

Krew: (walking and singing) I'm Krew that's right I'm Krew I got big cock and I like pussy I like cock too I like sex, I get laid almost everyday cuz I am Krewbie Doobie DOOOOOOOO......OOOOOH Pretty (see's the Pendant) Don't Mind If I do (picks it up) Hmmm weird but yet cool (puts un his pocket) Dat's right I'm Krew Bingham lock up your sons and daughters or they just might be the next person to ride my cock and if you don't watch out so will you cuz I am Krew Bingham SUCK MY DICK!!!!! WOOOOOO (heads to his cabin)


Kiefer: (Pushes him against the Wall)

Preston: Mmmm Baby 

Kiefer: Ugh your so hot 

Preston: Not as hot as you .....(they make out as the water runs down their bodies)

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