Chapter 68 (The Prime Minister)

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August 16th 2032

Preston: (making out with Rhett)

Rhett: Mmmmm You know how much I love getting to wake up with you by my side 

Preston: It is pretty awesome, oh I heard they found Ryler

Rhett: Good dude this was such a weird wedding but I'm glad we went 

Preston: (looks at the sunrise on the porch with his lover) I could get used to this 

Rhett: Me too 

(they Kiss)

Krew: (screams)

Preston: What the hell

Rhett: Let's go see

(they run up the hall)

Preston: (Gasps )Oh My god 

Krew: (on the ground crying over Ryler and Turin's Bodies)

Turin: (grasping onto Ryler's hand with the bloody dagger in his other hand)

Blake: (rushes in) Oh My god babe 

Krew: (grasps onto Ryler's other hand) Ry-Guy why

Blake: Krew.....there is a  note on the table

Krew: (wipes his tears) We know the world will never except us as lovers and so we did the only logical option we took our on lives in hopes that those in  the after life will except us for who we are cousins but also true lovers.......Ryler and Turin Bingham Together Forever......

Blake: Krewbie

Krew: (takes a look at the bodies)

Blake: Babe don't

Krew: (looks at Blake and then leaves the room without saying a single word)

Preston: Oh The Humanity......


Nathan: (plowing a field)

Montana: I must say it's real nice having a ranch hand to help around here

Nathan: Thanks 

Maxwell: Hey nerds Lunch is ready 

Nathan: You heard him

Montana: GRUB TIME

(they head in)

(soon after)

Maxwell: True story dudes 

Montana: bae your are just full of fun stories 

Nathan: Haha, It reminds me off this one time when me and Kiefer where playing hockey and.....

Maxwell: And.....

Nathan: Sorry.....I um.....excuse me (steps out)

Montana: Was it something I said 

Maxwell: No had nothing to do with this

Nathan: (crying on the porch) Oh Kiefer whyyyy (looks at his wedding ring and just breaks down crying)


Secretary: (hands Kiefer paperwork)

Kiefer: What's this 

Secretary: Law review and then Tax raises 

Kiefer: This is never ending bullshit!!!!

Secretary: Prime Minster Blair are you okay shall I phone for a doctor 

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