Chapter 37 (Night One)

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June 29th 2022

Dash: (parks) I can't believe you made me fucking drive the whole way

Blake: Oh come on you did great 

Dash: Other staff could have done it or our CIT's 

Ben: (making out with Bryce) Huh what us

Bryce: Dashy leave me alone I'm busy 

Dash: Ughhhhhhhh

Zach: Well Gentleman no backing out now we have arrived 

Gabe: Welcome to Oregon Boys we are one of the most secluded parts of the country 

Parker Q: No Phone, No Lights, No Motor Cars Not a single Luxury It's as Primative as can be 

Blake: I....Babe did you quote Gilligan's Island 

Parker Q: Maybeeeee

Blake: Uh Well The point stands there is no point at trying those phones of yours nearest phone tower is 200 miles from here 

Bryce: Yep you guys will need to find other forms of entertainment 

Ben: I found my entertainment (licks his lips)

Bryce: ohhhhhh Benny (they start making out)

Blake: Oh Boy  maybe not that but it is already 5:30 so I suggest you get to work building those shelters 

Zach: There is a 20% Chance of Rain tonight

Gabe: Not big But still something 

Blake: Enough chatter boys me and the staff will cook a nice dinner for you tonight but not gona always be the case and BREAK! (they disperse) 

Preston: Babe this gonna be exciting 

Kiefer: Yeahhhhhh so what do you know about shelter building (flips his hair)

Preston: Uh.....(starts making out with him)

Kiefer: (picks him up) mmmmmmmmmmm

Maxwell: Well they are gonna have a cold night 

Nathan: Naw they will just warm each other up but we gonna be warmer 

Maxwell: Yeah I brought Tarps! 

Nathan: Dude I got rope

Maxwell: And!

(both brandish a pocket knife)

Nathan: Dope!!!

Maxwell: We just need some sticks to make a frame with my tarps 

Nathan and my rope we gonna be set (they high five)

Parker: What did you bring 

London: Oh Good stuff (opens his bag full of snacks)

Parker: Babe.....did you bring anything but shit 

London: Oreos are important!!!!

Parker: Do you even have a water bottle?

London: Nope (cracks open a can of Mountain Dew)

Parker: My Boyfriend is gonna die and I'm gonna be a widow at 15, I'll adopt a bunch of cats and I'll get fat and just die at like 36

London: Ew there was a stick in my hair.....

Parker: Parker Bates cat lady (sighs)

Jake: A First Aid Kit

Jackson: Smart, I got a fire starter 

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