Chapter 49 (Busted)

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July 5th 2022, 3AM

Jordan: (drives Kiefer and Preston to the main office) Come on you two

(they slump their heads ant enter the office:

(Jared, Ty, Ethan, Case, Dash and Jake are sat there)

Preston: Jake

Jake: They asked me what I knew I saw you two sneak off before the end of the fireworks

Preston: So your being a snitch huh

Jared: Case, escort your camper Jake bake to the Cabin

Case: Yes sir come on Jake (they leave)

Jared: Kiefer, Preston sit down 

(they do)

Ty: Boys Just what did you think to decide that what you did was a good Idea

Preston: Don't talk me fucking down I'm not in the mood

Jordan: Preston watch your tone

Preston: I think not I think I won't CAN you just let us go to bed you found us we are safe hurrah!!!!

Kiefer: Babe

Preston: What Kiefy, this whole thing is bullshit

 Dash: You know what's Bullshit Preston, Keeping Us up to this ungodly hour 

Jared: Everyone Relax okay tensions are running high and we are all tired

Ethan: Preston, Kiefer we get it you guys are a couple and you want to spend time together but it isn't healthy for any relationship to spend every waking moment together, Waking let alone moments when you should be in bed  

Kiefer: Look It's just we aren't sharing a cabin and we hate it, we hate being apart

Preston: Every single moment with him is important to me so yeah sorry we fucking missed the curfew BUT I DON'T CARE (stands up quick and pissed)

Ty: Woah Buddy Chill TF Out

Jordan: Sit down Preston.....


Kiefer: Oh Babe.....I had no Idea this meant so much

Preston: (tears up) I Love Him more than Life yeah we decided to hang out tonight yes we HAD SEX! AMAZING SEX IN THE LAKE, BUT BEING DRUG IN Here asking why did you do it.....well the answer is plainly simple I LOVE KIEFER so, yeah go ahead Punish me, Punish us for love 

Jared: Well I, Well I just wanted to remind you off the curfew rules, they exist to protect you, what if you had gotten hurt no one would be around to help you and I know then you would feel really crappy 

Preston: UGH I DON'T CARE (knock shit off his desk and storms off)

Jared: Oh Boy 

Jordan: I'll get him back 

Jared: No....Just don't Kiefer go get your man 

Kiefer: I was gonna with or without your permission (chases after him)

Jared: Ethan, Dash, Jordan you  are dismissed

(they leave)

Ty: Favorite Part of the Job Am I right

Jared: No not even a little bit, Preston ad a point why did we get so upset I mean they were fine

Ty: It's just the whole Principal off it 

Jared: Yeah, I mean It's not like we haven't done some skinny dipping ourselves remember 2017 

Ty: Awe Yeah 

(flashback, July 10th 2017)

Tom: Get in there (he shoves a naked Jared and Ty in the Camp Directors Office) Caught these bloody wankers Skinny dipping in my lake

Jake: And you didn't let them dress

Tom: I was furious it's the middle of the night so It's not like they were seen

Nolan: Thank you tom we will take it from here 

Jake: Jared, Ty go ahead get dressed

(they do)

Jake: Your Not in trouble, we just worry about you this is our first summer of operation and if something had happened to you it would be our last  and we can't have that, It would go against the vision and dream I have built 

Jared: Look I just took my boyfriend skinny dipping 

Ty: Yeah We weren't hurting anyone

Jake: Just please Obey the rules 

Both: Yes sir

(present day)

Jared: We tried the long distance thing for a month after camp

Ty: New York to Cali was a long way bro....So Yeah I guess I can sympathize with them 

Jared: I haven't had a true relationship since then you know, I went on dates even a few hookups but nothing came of it 

Ty: Same 

Jared: Yeah

Ty: (hops on his desk and starts making out with him)

Jared: mmmmm Yes (crawls up onto the desk and rips off his shirt as they start making out with one another)


Preston: (sitting by the Dinning Hall Crying)

Kiefer: Baby (runs over and embraces him)

Preston: (Just let's it all out)

Kiefer: Hey I got ya, I Got ya Let it out 

Preston: It's Just when Camp Ends.....what will happen babe 

Kiefer: We will talk every night we will do everything to maintain it until we can see each other again 

Preston: You say that now.....but when some girl bats her eyelashes or you see a hot guy in the locker room.....

Kiefer: Do you really think I would ever Cheat on you, Do  you think I could even Consider it.....

Preston: It's not you I don't trust....I don't trust myself (breaks down crying) I Love you but I don't know how strong I can be.....I CAN'T DO IT 

Kiefer: (embraces him even more tightly) Our Love is the most powerful thing in the world okay, we have what it takes but we have to work together okay, we can be strong for each other okay.....

Preston: Let's Make ourselves a promise then

Kiefer: I think that is a great idea

Preston: I Promise to love you and only you from this day until my last, I promise no matter how hard it get's I will find my way to you cause I know in my heart we are meant to be together forever 

Kiefer: I promise that, and I promise no soul not one will ever lead me estray from you my Presty 

Preston: My Kiefer  (they kiss more passionately then ever before)

Dash: Boys.....It is time to go to bed 

Kiefer: Okay Dash

Preston: Yeah 

(they walk back to the cabins)

Preston: See you in a few hours my love 

Kiefer: I can't wait (they kiss before entering their respective cabins)

Awe Preston and Kiefer are Goalz asf right, let me know thoughts in the comment section down below, thanks 


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