chapter 29

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Lauren pov
"Come on monkey, let's get you in a bath" I told Mila softly lifting her up and walking towards the bathroom "bubbles mama?" She asks with a grin, her fists moving up to rub her eyes "just a little, I want to get you out of the bath while you're still awake and not half asleep love" I said chuckling softly at the pout on her lips "not sleepy mama" She said raising her arms up for me to help with her shirt "I never said you were doll" I said lifting up her shirt and helping her step out of her pull up and pants "in you go bug" I whispered softly settling her in the tub and pulled the basket of bath toys towards me "choose 3 monkey, not more okay" The look she gave me was as if I had mentioned the worst things in the world "we're having a quick bath love, 3 should be more than enough" I said and watched her think for a minute before choosing her favorite rubber ducky a boat and 2 crayons "good choice" I smiled sitting on the small stool we kept and squirted some body wash on a loofah, trying to be as fast as possible and making sure to clean her nicely i washed all her body with sweet scented body wash "you're all done baby! You were such a good girl for mommy today" I smiled happily reaching down to pull the plug of the tub, judging by the sleepy look she was giving me she wouldn't last another 10 minutes and a sleepy baby meant nearing tantrums and I wanted to avoid that at all costs specially after the good day she's had. "Mama up" She mumbles out tiredly although it sounded more like a wine "I got you sweetheart" I wrapped her towel around her and lifted her up putting the hood on her head to get her comfy thankfully it was not a hair day so I won't need to brush her hair while she's sleepy, I lay her down in her bed gently setting a towel under her "lay back love bug, just a second" I cooed softly to her watching her give me a small nod looking at me through those half open eyes, I made a quick job of diapering her and changing her into a onesie by the time I was done I was pretty sure camilla was in dreamland. But I was proven wrong as just as I was trying to set her comfortably against the bed she shifted and wined, looking up at me with sleepy eyes "mama lay" She whispered out I chuckled softly at how not even 5 seconds later she was out cold, I tucked flames and into her arms and checked all the doors and windows making sure they were locked before settling in next to her and as if she knew that I was there her body lached on to me shifting until she was comfortably laying on my chest, I kissed her forehead gently and gently put her paci in her mouth and with focusing on her breathing I fell asleep peacefully

I'm sorry I've been gone for sooooo long, I'm thinking of doing maybe one or two more chapters and then closing this book.... But I have another idea for a Ageregression book, it's about a royal family and a little girl.. I'm still not 100% sure about it, is it something you all are wanting to read? Let me know in the comments and honest reviews are always welcome


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