chapter 26

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Lauren POV
I have absolutely no idea what just happened right now, Dinah came in and behind her was a small girl well smaller than me and Dinah but bigger than Camila she had nice curly hair which were tied up in 2 pigtails and chocolate skin with dark brown eyes, but the moment Camila saw her it was like everything changed and she ran away and we all heard the door slam after a few seconds "what was that ?" I asked Dinah and her little "t-that's Camilla cabello" Dinah's little said and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "yes, do you know her ?" I was honestly confused at what was going on at the moment "Dinah, what's going on" I asked "I am as confused as you are, this is Normani my little" she said pointing towards the slightly smaller girl and I nodded "you guys can make yourself comfortable in the living room, feel free to use the kitchen I am going to go and check on Camila" I said to both of them and went towards camila's room because that's where I guess she ran off too "baby it's mama can I come in ?" I asked gently after knocking twice "jus mama" I heard her reply quietly and I opened the door just enough to squeeze myself inside, before I could ask what was wrong, she threw her body at me and hugged me tight and I literally mean threw herself at me "woah doll, what happened there hmm ?" I asked her softly and lifted her up into my arms, judging by the grip she had on me it didn't look like she was going to let go soon "s-she is Normani" she said and her voice was raspy I could tell she had been crying "I know baby, she is Dinah's little" I replied and moved us over to sit on her bed with her on my lap "she is mean and rude" she said then and looked directly into my eyes, little Camila was gone and this was big Camila speaking this "what did she do Camila ?" I asked now serious, it was not like Camila to say such things about someone unless it was a big deal "i-in my last school...  She was there a-and she is why I had to come here" she said before a fresh set of tears started to come out of her eyes and she hid her face in my chest, I sighed and nodded this was something major if she had to change schools because of it "shh baby, calm down please... Can you tell me what happened ?" I had to know what happened if I was going to let Camila close to her "they teased me about my sexuality and it got bad" I sighed and nodded "do you trust me baby ?" I asked moving her head from my chest to make her look at my eyes " I do Lauren" she said and I know she meant it "we are going to go down and sort this" I said and stood up form the bed making Camila stand up as well "what! No I just told you what she did, I don't want to go anywhere near her" she said and held on to my hand "Camila, I need to talk to her by the looks of it she looks guilty and it think it would be better if you both talk and I promise I won't let her do anything to you" I explained softly and wrapped my arms around her "let's go baby"

Camila pov
This was not good, after I told Lauren what Normani had done I didn't expect her to take me to her and talk with her, I did not want to be anywhere near her "hey, maybe she has changed Hun try and be nice okay" I heard Lauren say and all I could do was nod to make her know that I understood what she told me, we made our way into the living room and sure enough Normani and Dinah were sitting on the couch and Normani looked like she had been crying "I swear to god Lauren I didn't know" Dinah said standing up before either of us could speak anything "it's okay DJ I know" Lauren replied and held on my hand gently leading both of us to sit down at the other end of the couch "do you want to explain yourself ?" Lauren asked Normani and her tone was not as soft as usual it was strict which meant she wanted the truth and nothing else "i-i am so sorry for what I did..  I was raised Christian and we were taught that liking the same sex was a sin.. s-so I tried to make her understand that" she replied and I looked at her carefully trying to study her face and figure out if she was saying the truth or not "and you tried to make me understand that by making my life miserable ? Bullying me everyday ?" I asked looking straight into her eyes, and she broke down into tears turning away and hiding her face into Dinah who was sitting behind her "I am sorry, I am so sorry" she said in between her sobs and I looked at Lauren who had a look on her face that said she believed her and to be honest so did I "y-you won't do it again ?" I asked hesitantly and moved towards Lauren to cuddle into her "I won't ever, I am sorry, please forgive me, I need a second chance" Normani said still sniffling a little and holding on to Dinah tightly "what do you say baby ?" Lolo asks me and I nod my head "it's okay" I replied, I was more happy to give her another chance as long as she did not do it again "there good girls, I am glad it's all sorted out" I heard Lauren say with a smile and pull me on her lap and I saw Dinah do the same with Normani, she looked towards me and gave me a small smile which I returned, I don't have to be big anymore, even though I don't totally believe Normani as long as mama is there no on will do anything bad "would you little one's want to watch a movie now ?" Dinah asks moving to sit beside Lauren so that now the two of them were sitting next to each other and me and Normani Both nodded with a smile on our face "yes mama" maybe this won't be so bad after all... 

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