Chapter 2: a limo ride

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Hope y'all enjoy this chapter :)

I don't know. It might be a little short? I hope not.



Morgan's POV

when I saw the limo out front the first thing that came to mind was Justin but life isn't no fairytail so I just went with it and started walking towards the limo when an older guy in a tux stepped out to open my door. I asked about anyone being in there and he told me to find out for myself. As soon as I climbed in, blue eyes meet perfect Carmel brown ones and I broke down. I was actually in the same car as justin. My idol. My life. My everything. He looked absolutely perfect sitting there in dark jeans with a white tshirt on, dog tags and a silver chain hung around his neck. His brown hair standing up in a perfect spike in the front and as it went to the back of his head turned into a buzz cut. While I was admiring him I realized not only was I still crying, I was totally just caught checking him out.

"Hey, it's ok don't cry babe" I heard his angelic voice say.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry" I shakily replied "they're tears of happiness though right?"

Yea, course! How could I be sad about this. Oh my god. W-Why are you here?" I asked. That was the worst possible thing I could've said. Now he's going to think I want him to leave.

"Well what you don't want me here? Should I leave?" He smirked. See, I knew it.

"No! I mean no no no. I was just wonder-"

"I've heard about you from a friend of mine and I thought I'd come spend some time with you, make you feel apriciated because I know you're not at school" he cut me off. I realized I was still crying and before I knew it his hand was on my cheek wiping away a tear.

"So" justin said as we pulled out of the driveway "tell me about yourself"

"My names Morgan, I'm 17 and I have a little brother. I run track, I am a huge belieber....and um... Well I guess you already know about my school life..."

"No, tell me about it. What's it like for you?"

"Well I used to have uh a bunch of friends..but I don't know...they umm..." And I couldn't finish the rest because I started crying again. Wow I'm in a limo with justin bieber and I'm crying, smooth one Morgan. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me if you don't want" he said. "No ill tell you, it's just hard. Basically I'm bullied everyday for supporting you" I said. Suddenly he had his arms tightly wrapped around me whispering in my ear that everything's going to be alright and that I don't need to worry anymore. No one can touch me. He backed up so only his hands were in contact with mine and said "look at me, I know we just met and all but you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful personality. Don't let them win alright?" "Alright" I said even though on the inside I was freaking out because he just called me beautiful. "So where are we going justin?"

"Don't worry, you'll find out when we get there" he replied.

"We're here!" He shouted, sounding as excited as a little kid. Cute. I looked out the window and saw we were at a fancy looking restaurant. "Won't fans attack you in public?' I asked curious of how we were going to have a peaceful dinner. "I called earlier, they set up a table for us in back no one else will be back there, security will walk us in and out. Don't worry. I got this all planned." He said. Very sure of himself might I add. We were walked in by security and sat at a table in a very quiet room. After a few minutes of looking over the menu to decide what to order I looked up over my menu to look at justin, only to find him already staring back at me "what?" I asked curious why he was so content looking at me "nothing" he said when we finally knew what we wanted the waitress came out and took our order.

"Are you ok? You've been quiet ever since we got here" justin asked me as we were waiting for our food to come.

"No, I'm not fine. I'm sitting here eating dinner with my idol. The person I've looked up to for years and it's still sinking in. So no I'm not fine. I'm wayy beyond that to be honest." I said.

"Well let it sink in because its happening" he replied with a slight smile appearing on his face

After a nice dinner (of which I was basically staring at his eyes the whole time) we got back in the limo to head back to my house. Randomly, in the middle of one of our conversations justin stopped me and said "sing" "Excuse me?" I asked. "Sing for me. Please? Your voice is pretty. I wanna know what it sounds like lost in a song"

"Umm alright. What song?" A million thoughts were going through my head. What song to sing. What will he think. What if I mess up. What if he he hates me. What if he likes it. "A team" two beautifully spoken words interrupted my thoughts and I replied with a simple "alright. I love that song."

"White lips, pale face, breathing in the snowflakes. Burnt lungs, sour taste" I sounded so shaky. So I stopped, embarrassed. "Don't be nervous, keep going" justin said. I started biting my lip but then continued singing a few moments later "Lights gone, days end. Struggling to pay rent. Long nights strange men" that verse went so much better than the first even I thought I was sounding pretty good and right as I started the chorus I got the best thing I could ask for. Justin joined in with me doing harmony. "And they say she's in the class a team stuck in her day dream been this way since 18 but lately, her face seem, slowly sinking wasting, crumbling like pastries and they scream: the worst things in life come free to us cause we're just under the upper hand. Go mad for a couple grams. She don't want go outside tonight, and in a pipe she flies to the mother land or sells love to another man. It's to cold to go outside tonight" ...there was a long pause and Justin's face just stayed blank. Dammit. That obviously sucked. I guess I didn't sound that good. I messed up an he doesn't know what to say because he doesn't want to be mean. He's going to drop me off at my house, leave, and never talk to me again because i agreed to sing for him. Dammit Morgan "Justin? Was I really that ba-" and his perfect pink pouty lips were pressed against mine. "No" he whispered before attaching back to my lips..

But the whole time

I kept flashing back to that night a year ago. I don't want to remember. I can't. Stop! No. My eyes closed and all I could feel were lips. That guys lips all over me and his hands were on me. I pulled away. Scared. Scared, knowing what this monster was going to do next. I couldn't. He couldn't I won't let him. "Get off of me ryan!" I shouted, knowing he wouldn't stop but trying anyways. I looked at justin and remembered that I was in a limo with him "morgan?" "Umm I-I'm sorry I jus-just. Sorry." "What happened. What are you or were you thinking about?" He asked concern laced in his voice "I'll tell you about it sometime. Just not now. Just forget about. Sorry. I'm sorry" Silence followed this event. As I sat there mad at my self for having flashbacks like that again. I thought they were gone I hadn't had one in months. But then again I haven't had anyone really physically touch me like that one horrid night either. Justin kept looking at me with a worried expression but we remained silent. Just silence.

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