Birthday Surprises

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On Wednesday I woke up in patties house in Ontario next to justin. Nope, it still hasn't sunk in okay? I'm laying next to justin and calling him my boyfriend. Holy crap.

"Well don't think to hard, you'll hurt yourself. We don't want that to happen on your birthday do we?" Justin said, scaring me being as I didn't know he was awake.

"Sorry, ill try not to think so hard anymore" I said laughing.

"Happy birthday" he said, kissing me

"Thanks boo. I love you" I said back

"I love you more" he said

"Mmm not possible" I answer. He leans in to kiss me and we stay like this for a while until there's a knock on the door

"Guys, breakfast is ready!" Patties muffled voice says through the door

"Thanks mom, be out in a few" Justin yells back. He looks back at me.

"Lets call it even" I say

"Agreed, now come on. I've got a big day planned for you" he says pecking my lips one last time before getting up to get dressed. Pattie made us an egg hot dish with toast. It was good but I'm not a huge egg fan.

"Thank you Pattie for the breakfast" I told her

"You're very welcome, happy birthday! What are you guys doing today?" Pattie asked us, looking at Justin, knowing I probably haven't been told.

"You'll find out when we get home" he said to Pattie.

"Typical Justin" I said. Justin told me to go get ready while he helped his mom with dishes. I went up to our room and put on my white skinny jeans with a grey, short sleeve shirt that had little black mustaches on it. I put my hair up in a messy bun, grabbed my coat and bag and went down stairs.

"Where's Justin?" I asked Pattie who was now sitting at the table in the kitchen reading a book.

"Oh he went to take a shower in my room quick" she answered.

"Oh okay ill wait here, what are you reading?" I asked.

"It's a book that Justin is working on, he asked me to read it so far and critique it" Pattie said, proud of her son.

"What's it about?" I asked, now curious.

"His life with you" she said, smiling a really big smile, which faded quickly as she noticed how in shock but happy I was.

"Oh my gosh! I wasn't supposed to tell you that! Oh no oh no oh no. Don't let justin know that you know!" She said.

"Know what?" Justin said walking into the kitchen.

"'re writing a book about us?" I questioned, still in disbelief.

"Mom! What the hell, I can't believe you told her! That was supposed to be a surprise!" Justin yelled at Pattie. He looked really mad .She looked so sorry. There was a pain behind her eyes that looked like she had gone through this before

"Justin, it slipped, I'm sorry." She said, this time in a quieter voice, obviously upset that she told me.

"Yeah, Whatever mom. Thanks a lot. Yeah Morgan I'm writing a book about us, I hope that's okay. Lets go. Meet me in the car." Justin spat out more than said to us, walking out before I could answer him.

"Pattie, it's okay. Don't be mad at yourself. Stuff happens alright?" I said to Pattie. I walked over and gave her a hug before meeting Justin in the car.

"Thank you Morgan. Tell Justin I'm sorry and not to be upset about it all day okay? It's your birthday he better not be like this all day" she said into my shoulder. I let go of her and said

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