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Spencer's pov:
When I get into the FBI building I sigh heavily, only three more days and than I can finally fly to LA to spend some quality time with my beloved sister. Hotch at first was curious as i asked him for a whole week off of work, but in the end he simply gave me the go ahed. Seemingly way too happy that I finally asked for days off myself, instead of him having to instruct me to take them, to even question my intention.
„Good morning kid!" Morgan says with a wide smirk plastered on his face since I jumped at his sudden appearance within the prior empty elevator. Quickly I shake my head to get my attention back on the here and now again. I can day dream later about being able to finally hug my sweet sister again when I get home tonight.
„Sorry, i wasn't paying attention. Good morning to you too Morgan." I reply with a smile towards my co-worker and best friend.
„Figured that out myself too pretty boy." he reply's with a chuckle as we get out of the elevator.
„What were you thinking about so hard anyway?" he questions interested. Seemingly confused since I usually am way more attentive of my surroundings. Thankfully my phone ringing spares me from answering his question right at the moment. So after excusing myself from Morgan, I take my phone out and nearly buckle over in uneasiness. Never ever did Sophie call me during my work hours. What surely means that something bad has happened. My blood runs cold right away at the possibility of what might be wrong with my angel.
„Sweetheart?" I ask right after answering my phone. Right away I can hear my perfect baby sister crying on the line, which pains me immensely.
„Derek! Please excuse me up there for a few." I tell Derek without any care. My baby sister is way more important than looking tardy. Who am I kidding, nothing is even close as important as my sister!! Of course his forehead scrunches up in irritation at my statement. After all, I never am late or let myself get excuse for being late at work ever. So I guess it should of been expected from him to look at me like I lost my very mind. Still, I keep on walking until I am on the other side of the room to get some more privacy for this call.
„What's the matter Sweetheart?" I softly ask into the phone. Knowing that my baby sister isn't one to cry over little things, so I definitely want to know what had happened to disturb her that much.
„My my my m manager w w wants m m me to g g go to t the Police. S s someone w w Wrote me t t That i o owe t t them." she slowly gets out through her hiccups and sniffles. My heart breaking at her vulnerable voice as my heartbeat quickens in utter fear for my little sister. So since I don't want to sound too furious right about now, it after all would frighten her even more, with that in mind, I take a few deep breaths before replying.
„That sounds like a Good idea sweetheart. If someone writes you things like this, it's usually never good." I softly say and explain all in one. Still trying to keep level headed as well as encouraging her to take her managers advice. It after all is important to inform the police about this topic.
„That's n n not the o o only re reason." she stammers out. My nerves already on edge, I simply ask her to tell me about the other reason before I can start to think of all the horrible things myself.
„Tha That sentence i is wri written o on a newspaper c cover." she whispers. Simply nodding along with what she says. Not at all wanting her to stop talking simply because I interrupted her explanation!
„A another actress g g got k killed yesterday evening a and that's what t the ar article i is a about." she says even quieter and makes my blood run ice cold!
„Reid! Get your go bag. We have a new case in Hollywood." Derek calls towards me as the rest of the team grab their bags to afterwards head to our privat jet in quite a hurry.
„Give me two more minutes." I say and see him wanting to disagree with me right away.
„Derek i am begging you! Two minutes!" I add to which he stops for a second to look me all over. After a deep sigh, he nods once towards me in reply as well as takes mine and his bag before he runs out after the others.
„Listen Sweetheart! I am flying to Hollywood along with my team now anyway. Stay in your house! Don't leave it and make sure your security system is running! I will call you as soon as I know to which police department we are heading to, so you can come to the same one." I instruct her. The second she agreed to that, I end the call after softly telling her that I love her and that she should stay safe till I get to her.
The second I get into the jet I see my whole team watching me with curious and confused eyes. Deciding to ignore all of their stares for the time being, i simply take a seat and buckle up on my usual spot next to Morgan. Just a second later the pilot informs us off the fact that we are going to take off any second now. Morgan, without a word, hands over our newest case folder.
„Thanks." I mumble and open it to get myself familiar with the current case. When I however see that it's about the deaths of different actresses as well as a producer my breath hitches yet again. The pictures of the young women remind me a lot of my own baby sister. They all have blond hair, blue eyes and their body build is slim.
„Spencer?" Derek whispers towards me as not to get the attention from the others sitting around us. Surely he heard my shocked inhale as well. Slowly I look up towards him which right away allows me to see his face soften at my surely panicked face.
„Is everything ok? Can I help you somehow?" he asks me with so much understanding that it nearly makes me spill all my secrets to him. Which, thinking about it would, be useful. At least it would maybe allow me some off time in LA. It also would make it easier to help my baby sister, especially with the knowledge that our case includes said baby sister! Still, I don't think I should tell him while we are on board with the rest of my team. The possibility way too high that they would overhear us!
„I might need your help in LA." I simply answer, without going any deeper into details which obviously seems to confuse him even more.
„You know i would help you with anything Spencer. You are like my little brother, don't forget that!" he reply's sincerely. So after one more deep breath, I nod in appreciation. Breathing slightly easier with the knowledge that I can count on him!
„Thank you Derek, that means a lot!" I thank him. Honestly relieved that he is willing to help me even though he still doesn't know with what or whom.
„Alright, since we all are now together." Hotch states sternly, and with a pointed look my way.
„We might discuss our further action. Gideon, Emily and I will go to the last crime sene. JJ, Morgan and Reid you guys head towards the police department to see what they have figured out till now." Hotch goes on and makes me sigh heavily since that means I definitely will be there to help my baby sister without too much trouble at all.

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