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Derek's pov:
When I finished my quick and refreshing shower, I shake my head at this chaotic day. Only a few hours prior the world was easy compared to now. Now my best friend that i consider my brother has to stay in the hospital since he got attacked. Said brother also has a baby sister that has been a secret till today. Once more I shake my head and take one more deep breath before facing this incredible sweet woman outside again. A woman that is so damn far out of my reach that it hurts to even think about! Especially since I feel so strongly about her and that even though I just met her a few hours prior. Hours that to her surely were the worst in her life. What I however wasn't expecting, nor prepared for at all, was to see those endearing blue crystal eyes of hers to be filled with tears. Her cheeks red and seemingly raw from the tears that keep on running down her face uncontrollably. Quickly and without even thinking about it, I pull her into my chest to hopefully comfort her. I try to shush her and promise her that she is safe. That I will do everything in my power to keep her away from any harms way. Still her tears keep on soaking my shirt, which i quit frankly don't care at all for. The only thing important is to be there for this pure soul that so happens to be my best friends sister. Just as I think that, I realize that she surely is crying because she is overwhelmed with everything that had happened on this extremely long day. Which is more than understandable! She doesn't seem to think so though. No, she seems to be ashamed that she had shown me her true feelings right now. As if it's a weakness of hers when it is everything but! Not many people are able to show their true feelings. Some not even able to Love and care so deeply like she does for her brother that also is her savior. In my eyes it's a sign of strength to be so truthful to yourself and your feelings. To not care who might see you breaking down. Because at the end of the day, it's no ones business to begin with. I don't know for how long we have been hugging, what I however know is that it was way too short for my liking. Still I had to pull away since my phone kept on ringing, demanding me to answer whoever is on the other end. My eyes keep on this tiny woman curled up on the bed as I answer my baby girls call after a heavy sigh.
„Have you guys found out something new baby girl?" I question, trying to ask as calmly as I can since I definitely don't want to worry Sophie any more than she already is.
„Emily told me you are staying with Sophie?" she asks but honestly states. No joking or flatterings as she normally does with me over the phone. That alone makes me frown slightly. Something is going on here and I absolutely hate it since it involves sweet Sophie, which is simply unacceptable!
„Thats correct.?" I answer after smiling reassuringly towards a slowly worried getting Sophie. With that in mind I am going to try to end the call as fast as possible. After all I don't want to get her back to her panicked and frightened state. Not after she finally started to calm down.
„I want to talk to her right now!" My normally sweet baby girl demands with no way of argument what so ever. Completely out of her normal character.
„I am not sure if that's a good idea right about now baby girl." I softly say in answer. Hoping that she will understand and let it go. She after all never wanted to talk with any other victims, so why her? And why now? This makes absolutely no sense at all.
„I won't ask again Derek!" she nearly growls through the phone. Slowly starting to piss me off more and more!
„Listen, i don't know what the hell has gotten into you...and to be completely honest, I don't have the time nor the patient to discuss this  with you right now! And for as long as you behave like that, I won't even contemplate to do as you want me to! So calm yourself down and maybe then I will be fine with it. Till then I suggest you keep on finding who was the one hurting Spencer." I simply state. Knowing by the slightly frightened look in Sophie's eyes that I sounded way more angry than I wanted to. Still, I simply end the call and quieten it so it won't be ringing every two minutes.
„I am sorry you had to see me like that Sophie. Normally I don't act like that at all. And I really am sorry if I just frightened you." I apologize and slowly walk towards her and take a seat next to her. Her blue eyes still seem slightly unsure of me which hurts more than I like to admit.
„She is my best female friend, but she acted absolutely not like herself. I promise I normally never act like that at all. It just agitated me." I explain . Feeling like a jerk but there is nothing I could do about it now anyway.
„Are you going to apologize to her? Because you didn't sound nice." her soft and tiny voice asks. Nodding my head in agreement seems to be the right thing to do, at least her body language changes into a more relaxed one again.
„I swear I will." I promise and get a soft smile in reply from her.
„Friends are important. I understand that they can be irritating at times, but they only mean well. Even if we don't understand why they act a certain way at times." she explains quietly. My heart melts at her statement. She is right, of course she is! And alone with that, I know that this sweet woman is way too good for this world. No idea how anyone could even possibly think of hurting such a sweetheart!?
„You are right Love. I am just slightly on edge with everything that went on today." I explain and see the understanding forming in her eyes right away.
„That is Something I understand for sure. Still you should apologize to your friend later on." she softly says and squeezes my hand with an encouraging smile plastered on her kissable looking lips.
„You are right. Just not today. I don't want to get into another argument with her all over again." I answer after sighing heavily. To my surprise she nods her head in agreement. Seemingly understanding that I need some time before calling my friend back. Thankfully, because I honestly thought that she would talk me into calling my baby girl right away to apologize. But with how she has been acting, I don't think it would go any better if I call her right away. Something about her demand made me feel uneasy and I don't like that feeling at all! And I hate that out of everyone she was the one making me feel like that. Still, for now my highest priority is Sophie! Maybe after everything is dealt with, i can talk with my baby girl about what had gotten into her. This after all was completely out of character for her!

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