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Spencer's pov:
The whole way to the Chinese restaurant I felt eyes on my back, yet I tried my best to not let anyone know about my assumption by turning around. Instead I walk in and ordered my baby sisters favorites as well as Morgan's and My usuals. Afterwards I slowly take out my phone to call Garcia. Maybe she could hack some cameras to find out who was following me from the hotel to this place. I at least can hope!
„How can I help you boy wonder?" her chirpy voice questions me happily while my anxiety starts to rise with worry that the unsub might know already my sweethearts whereabouts.
„Can you figure out who has been following me from the hotel to the Chinese restaurant I am currently in?" I ask her with urgency in every word I say. This after all is about my beloved baby sister! Her safety is my top priority at all times, especially right now with such a threat out there. I keep on listening intensely as she types on her computer.
„Going out from all the cameras you passed, you had one follower. A red truck and." she rambles before her voice gets worried.
„And the driver just got out of the car and heads on into the restaurant as well." she ends even more scared.
„Call Hotch, Maybe the guy isn't even our unsub but if so we can't allow him to figure out where our witness is right now!" I instruct her just as the bell on the door rings, letting me and everyone in here know that a knew customer arrived.
„Spencer? He just entered the restaurant. You need to get out of there." Garcia try's to reason with me, but that is something I can't do.
„Call Hotch. Tell him about everything I just told you. I will call a bit later." I say and end the call before turning around to see who has been following me till now.
„Number 11" the lady from behind the counter calls out towards me. So since I still try to look completely normal, I walk towards the counter and grab my bags.
„Thank you." I say with a short nod to the elderly woman. When I turn around yet again, I come face to face with a man that I never saw before. He looks angry as his eyes fixate on me in pure hatred. Still I walk towards the door, acting as if I don't even register him at all. Just as the door handle is just inches away from my arms reach though, I get shoved to the side. Guess this one won't let me go without a fight then. The only thing I do hope is that Garcia tells Hotch to look after my baby sister and gets her relocated just to be safe.

Sophie's pov:
Morgan smiles softly at me before he goes to open the door for my brother. Sighing heavily, happy that Spencer will be around me again. He makes me feel the safest after all. Hearing a to me foreign female voice however makes me panic slightly. Quickly and as quiet as I can, I scoot off of the bed and hide myself in the small corner between the wall and the wardrobe.
„Alright, come on in. I want to know exactly what had happened!" I hear Morgan nearly growl out before his heavy steps get closer along with another pair.
„Where is she?" the female voice asks irritated of my absence.
„Sophie?" Morgan says, sounding just as confused as the woman sounded shortly before him. Another few seconds go by before Morgan crouches down in front of me.
„Hey, everything is Alright Sophie. You are safe." he soothingly says, acting as if he is afraid I might bolt. Or even as if I am unpredictable like a wounded animal.
„Where is Spencer?" I ask. Sounding way more shaken up than I intended to. The frown That forms on his face makes me feel even more worried for my sweet and protective brother.
„Why don't you come on out there? Must be uncomfortable." he asks instead of answering my question. This surely isn't good at all. So I stay right where I am and simply look him straight into his eyes. Demanding an answer without any words. The sigh that leaves him only confirms that something has happened to Spencer. This thought alone brings tears to my eyes. If I would of known that Spencer would become a target as well I would of never asked him for help! My tears roll down my eyes without a care. It's my fault! I should of never told Spencer!
„Spencer is ok." Morgan try's to assure me but I can see in his eyes that he himself doesn't think so! That he is worried for my brother just like I am myself.
„You are lying." i mutter out. I may not be a profiler like they all are, but I know if I am lied to. And I do have to say that the little trust I built up in him starts to fade rapidly, like always when someone lies to me.
„You are right." he says after a heavy sigh.
„Spencer isn't completely fine right about now. Someone seemingly followed him to the restaurant and attacked him there." Morgan goes on as my eyes get wide. Someone attacked him!? How could anyone hurt my brother? He is simply the best human being out there! Just as I wanted to ask more about the attack, he goes on.
„Hotch got there in time and was able to intervene before he could get even more injured." he goes on after lifting his hand up to make me stop interrupting him.
„Emily only just now told me about it. And that also is all I know for now, but I am going to find out more in no time." he states strongly and with a promise in his voice.
„My name is SSA Emily Prentiss. Why don't you come out of there?" the woman questions softly. Even reaching one of her hands towards me to help me out but I don't know her, so I don't trust her. Sure, Spencer told me about her and all the others, but I don't know her nor the others myself.
„Sophie? Are you ok?" Morgan questions softly. Obviously seeing my uncertainty towards his co worker. Looking yet again at Morgan, I slowly scoot back out of my newly found hiding spot. Of course making sure to not come anywhere near the female.
„Where is Spencer?" I ask my first question again. Hoping to finally get an answer to that. A real answer!

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