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Spencer's pov:
After the touchdown we right away head towards the already waiting cars for us. Morgan, like always, takes the driver seat while I make JJ take the passenger seat, which gets me two curious looks. Like before I simply ignore it for the time being and instead get my phone out to write my baby sister to which police station she should go to. It indeed was a surprise for me to find out that my team and I had to go to the closest police station to my sisters home. This was on one side a relief but on the other hand it was a shock. This after all can only mean that the murders had happened close by her, which is already unsettling enough. On top of that, comes however the message that got send to her! Sadly this could only mean that those killings have something to do with my sweet baby sister. Obviously that fact doesn't sit well with me at all!!
„Spencer." i hear Morgan's worried voice that makes me look towards him on instinct. To my irritation he wasn't still in the driver seat but standing next to me with the door already wide open.
„We are already here." JJ says just as worried that I didn't even realize that. As Derek however sees my still frightened face, he asks JJ to go ahead of us and that she doesn't need to worry since we will follow closely.
„Spencer, it's me. Just tell me what's the matter. You are starting to worry me more and more!" he says softly and such honest worry that it nearly chokes me up. Not wanting to cry in front of my best friend in fear of looking weak, I turn my head slightly to the side so his knowing eyes weren't the thing I was looking directly into.
„There is something I haven't told anyone till now. Someone to be specific." I nearly whisper out inaudible, still Derek heard me for sure if his nod is any indicator.
„You know you can trust me Spencer." he says reassuringly since he must of figured out that I am seriously worried for their well-being. Knowing that I need to tell them anyway, in the very near future even, I take one more deep breath before telling him about Sophie.
„I am not an only child like you guys have been thinking." I start off, guessing that that's the easiest way to tell him about my baby sister. To my surprise he stays quiet and lets me get my thoughts straight to further on explain why I have been acting so unusual for me throughout this whole day instead of shouting at me.
„Sophie, my baby sister called me earlier today. She was completely frightened and overall a nervous wreck." I say and shake my head to get the tears back out of my eyes.
„She is an actress which is frightening in itself since two other ones just got murdered pretty near her home. On top of that she received a very strange and unsettling message today. That also is the reason why her manager wants her to go to the police station." and just as I said that I see his eyes fill with worry as well. Seemingly slowly realizing that she might be the next target from our unsub. So before he could interrupt me, i quickly hold up one of my hands and go on.
„I told her to wait until I know where we are going to. I wrote her on the way here, so she should get here any minute now." I finish with my explanation. Of course there are way more things I could tell him about my baby sister, but right now her safety is my only concern and goes before anything else!
„Alright! Let's go in and set up so we are ready when your sister arrives." Derek says with an encouraging nod. He holds out his hand to help me out of the car as well as pulls me along with him into the police station. We quickly set up all our staff and ask officer Kim to brief us on what they have already figured out. Loud knocking gets all our attention away from the briefing and towards the door that just then gets opened.
„Excuse me, is a detective Kim here?" my sisters Manager questions hopefully into the room. Other than him I know who he is.
„That's me, how can I help you?" officer Kim asks him in return. Derek right away knows that this man has something to do with my sister. He after all steps closer towards me and lays a comforting hand on my shoulder.
„My client got a pretty disturbing message today and I asked her to come to the police station with me to ask you for help." Paul states matter of factly, he however really seems to be worried for my sisters safety just like myself. That fact let's me appreciate him even more than I used to anyway. After all Sophie told me all the time how he always looked out for her.
„I am afraid we do have more than enough work on our hands as it is. If you want to, I can get you to another officer. I am sure they could help her just as good as me." officer Kim apologizes. Still it makes me pretty furious how easily he brushes off my sisters need for help.
„The problem is that her case has something to do with yours." Paul strongly states, not baking off at all. He hands over a newspaper to the officer that looks at it for a second before he nods in reply.
„You are right. We should talk with your client." he states to which I quickly jump into action.
„If that's alright I will talk with her. Maybe she knows more than she realizes." I say with no room of argument. JJ simply looks at me in curiosity while Derek simply explains that it's a good idea to let me talk on my own with her. I nod in appreciation, knowing that he only agrees with me since I have told him that this is my sister.
„Where is she at the moment?" I ask Paul, needing to be by my sisters side as fast as possible.
„She is waiting outside in the seating area." Paul says, ready to walk me to her.
„Maybe you should stay here, talk with detective Kim about everything that had happened." Morgan says and afterwards follows me out of the room and towards my nervously waiting sister that seems utterly relieved as her eyes find mine.
„Let's get in that office over there." I softly say while still keeping my professional self. At least for a bit longer it would be better to keep our real connection a secret. However the second the door falls close behind us I right away pull her into a tight hug. For the first time since this morning I am finally able to relax. My breathing and heart beat also right away slows down. Now with my baby sister in my arms the world finally seems to brighten.

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