January 2,2013

Dear Charlie,

How was your New Year? Well mine's a bit messed up. It's unusual for me because I didn't watch any fireworks at all! I stayed at home locked up because I don't like the smoke that's erupting from the street because of the firecrackers my neighbor lit and yeah. I really don't like it when I see smoke because they remind me of fire. And fires remind me of deaths. It's just me, I know. So I've spent Christmas really well and I think that by far, it's the best Christmas. I got what I wanted and more! So that's really okay. And I for myself think that I am one lucky kid. School starts in 5 days and I haven't done any of my school work and I'm panicking. One I don't want to do them just yet. Two I don't want to do them coz I'm lazy. Three I don't want to do them because if I'm done, I'm a few hops from graduating Highschool and I don't want to leave just yet. I did Christmas shopping a week ago....I spent 3/4 of my cash in buying gifts for ppl I care about. Austin is on the list. So is Trent. But I bought Trent a heart necklace and a pink finger bookmark...if you know what I mean. And well yeah. I think I bought gifts for 6 ppl and I can't mention them all because I'm not holding my list is pseudonyms and I might make a mistake so yeah.

I don't want to go to school yet :( Spare me

Love Always,


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