~Part One~

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In a very large room were many people, all surrounding a oval table while all causing some sort of trouble; screaming, shouting, some even physically fighting, the list went on.

Even though most were hundreds, perhaps thousands of years old.

Three, however, more commonly known as the Awesome Trio (consisting of a certain Dane, Prussian, and American), were causing the most trouble. But, hey, they're awesome (and slightly egocentric), so nobody could say anything otherwise. The family of these three did try to calm them down, but sadly — and to nobody's surprise —, it didn't work.

But, what did stop the three, and the rest of the room matter of fact, was a ringtone. It was coming from America, who fumbled for his phone and hastily put it to his ear.

"Wassup-" He started but was quickly cut off, and after a couple of minutes of silence, he let out a deep breath, and closing his eyes. The nations, at first, didn't really care since they've all had phone calls during meetings, it wasn't a very odd occurrence, but as time progressed, they were getting more and more curious with who was calling and for what reason to get this sorta reaction.

"Oh my god... Wait really?" The nation said with small chuckle at the end, as he waited for his response, rubbing his face afterwards. "Alright fine, I'll be there soon." After one last sigh, he hung up and quickly brightened up, causing many whiplashes thanks to the sudden shift in atmosphere.

He turned back to his fellow nations, sending his famous smile, while pocketing his phone. "Well dudes, I just got a call from the boss and I have to go to deal with things! He said it was pretty urgent so, yeah! See ya!" He said, leaving abruptly after that. This annoyed some nations, but most were either startled or just really confused or didn't really care that much to begin with.

But, thanks to the Americans very quick departure, he forgot his bag. The nations forgot about it too, until Canada, who sat next to America, realized that he didn't grab it. He grabbed it and stood, starting to walk away, thinking that nobody would notice and to give it back, but of course he was wrong.

"Hey birdy~ ((i guess my inner prucan came out lol)) Where are you going?" The ex-country said, which made the canadian freeze slightly. All of the nations then turned to the half transparent twin, as Canada couldn't help but smile to himself. "A-ah.. Well, I was just wanting to return A-al's bag.." He stuttered quietly as the Prussian only rose a brow, soon snatching the bag from him, causing the younger to flinch slightly. "I wonder what he has in here.." He mumbled, about to open it before feeling himself stumble forward, and the back of his head start to hurt. "Dummkopf.. I agree with.. um... Canada..? I say we give it back instead of snooping." A voice boomed behind the elder, as he just huffed childishly, showing his mental age to the world — while Matthew practically beamed at German, for not being forgotten like usual, but Germany at the moment was more focused on the Prussian at the moment.

"Aw come on, Bruder! You'd never know, hell, nobody does! Think about it!!" Gilbert pushed, trying to grab the bag back, as his brother had taken it while lecturing him. "I don't care, it is wrong to be looking through a persons private things." Germany stated, not going to change his decision, since he was always a quite mannered in this sense, and although his brother only wanted secrets to make fun of his friend later down the line, Ludwig just didn't want America to go through that pain that he knew his brother will cause. But, the American caused him pain as well in that sense.. "Knock it off Germany it isn't right!" He mentally chastised, shaking his head to rid himself of that thought.

As the German brothers had a stare down, another voice piped in. "Even though I don't really like you, that twat can be hiding anything." A British accent was heard, making all eyes land on the one who said it.

"What?" Arthur asked somewhat defensively, as he looked around the room. Prussia only snickered at him, before quickly snatching the bag back. "Hah! See, West? I'm not the only one!" Then, another voice, (notably with a french accent), rang out. "Oui, but Allemagne (Germany) isn't alone either. It feels like we are intruding on what Amérique doesn't want us to know, and as his older frère (brother) — " "Frog." " — I think that this will only hurt him." Germany was quick to send a smirk to his older bruder, before going back to the strict German we all know and love.

Then, like a line of dominoes being knocked over, all nations were either on one side or the other, to look through the bag, or to not.  Both sides were almost split perfectly down the center, it was comedic to a degree. Then, the brawl.

During the argument, there were points being thrown from both sides, so to the small number of nations that chose to stand out or didn't know which side to choose, they were just getting more and more confused with which side to join.

The ones who agreed said that he could be hiding dangerous things, or maybe he could be lying to them, or just could have really juicy secrets. While, the ones who didn't want to said that they would be trespassing into his privacy that he had full right to, and they really didn't agree with that. This would go on for a pretty long while, since no matter how much time had passed, the day stayed the same.

After another long while of fighting, they had come to an agreement; they would look through. The ones arguing against it found that they don't really know much about him, nothing very personal, that is (minus his family, of course-).

He was never really actually questioned, since the nations never really needed to ask, saying they thought he was like reading a simple book. This is what got mostly everyone curious, to see if they were correct in  thinking that, was he what he led on, or something different? Even though they hadn't a reason to think he was something else, it was food for thought, also just curiosity for the chances.


((How's this chapter? I sound like a parrot, and it will only get worse in time, but anything to improve on...? Just, on every chapter, tell me if it's good, or what to do better, plezzzzzzz also, I'm writing this on my new iPad, so tell me if there's any spelling errors.)) Edit: oh god the accents- ;-; also, very bad, very very bad, like, past me did not know grammer wHY- tho, idrk if it'd better or not, i think so? Idk

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