~Part Six~

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The nations took their time on the break, not needing to rush since they had all the time in the world to themselves, and they would take advantage of that. They talked on about if this was a good idea and all, the were still trespassing, but after what they were told, it seemed like less of a worry, though some still felt guilty.

In all honesty, however, the break didn't take that long, since nothing very bad had came up, and afterwards, a much lighter entry, to reduce the shock value and significantly brighten the atmosphere, which was appreciated and needed.

When the nations were back in the meeting room, Canada was given the book again, wanting to continue until the next entry, which nobody protested, letting the Canadian read.


Well. In my last part, I said I was digging my own grave. I can't be surprised that I'm being forced to lay in it.

If you didn't know, which I bet you did, you ARE me but from the future, England and I are at war. I honestly didn't want war, I just wanted the taxes to stop, but, it's what I got. I can't say I'm too happy about it, I could and will probably die, but... It was worth a try, to see what happens.

But... The fact that I'm going against England, the most powerful country on the face of the planet, with thousands and thousands of military men, who controls a lot of the globe and it's trade, and then there's me. I don't know what to say about it, but I don't think I'm cut out for it, for even being the same afterwards, and what will I do if I do win? Even though the chances of that are extremely slim, maybe, I still can, but I can't say I'd be surprised to die, as morbid as that is. I'm just so much weaker then him.

I'm also going against a parent figure, a brother who has raised me for as long as I know... This makes me get the idea that this is my fault, that all of this could've been avoided, but... I was spoiled, as he likes to say. I can't find myself disagreeing, which I hate a lot.

Well. This could be my last entry. I just... Don't see this ending too well for me. I will be really hurt, maybe (...probably) even killed, by this war, and that scares me. I wonder if England will kill me himself or have someone else... It would be fitting for him to do it, but if he still cares (which I think is so unlikely), he might have someone else do it. I honestly want him to, if it even happens, so that he gets what he wanted in a way, me under his control, and with me dead, I can't do much. It would be more fulfilling anyways, for him to kill me. At least some random person isn't gonna kill me, it's him. Just a more fitting, in a way, ending.

All this death talk is making me sad again. I just don't want this to happen, but, it's somewhat out of my control. I just hope he'll let me live, but again, wouldn't be surprised. The fact of the matter is that, the chances of me dying is a lot higher then me living. With him just being a lot stronger then I am it's... A hard thing to think about. I'm starting to think if I should die... I've been spoiled, acting like this was such a big deal, when really... It's not... I've also started this entire thing with my spoiled-ness, and this could hurt England a lot in the end, which I surprisingly don't want.

I'm starting to dislike myself, which wasn't the point of this. Before I start to dislike myself more, I will stop here. I need... To think about everything for a while.

Thanks for listening book, America

The room was silent. The tension was thick enough you could cut it with a knife. Some nations had tears in their eyes. Some, just had a shocked and saddened expression. They had figured how the war had gone, he was still there and well, but they weren't prepared for that. Even nations who had distaste for America found themselves frowning.

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