~Part Three~

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England looked over the handwriting, not reading anything, and he was confused. America couldn't have wrote this himself, since it was so nicely written, so who wrote it? Did he take it from another person, or was it given to him? He soon snapped out of his thoughts, and began to read it out loud.

1611 - Dear... Journal as he called it,

Hello! I just got... You? Earlier today, and Iggy told me to write in this every time that I needed a place to talk but could not, and then he told me that I can always talk to him. So, I guess that I won't have to write here much, but here I am! I have nothing to talk about right now, as nothing has been going on that is noteworthy, but I just wanted to start off on when I got this, to perhaps remind myself on when I got it. I should tell you the date, right? Well, I don't keep track of the dates, as its just day and night that I care about, so, I will go ask!

I just got back, and but Iggy said that it was June 15, 1611. ((Non Americans: *deep breathing intensifies*)) A few years ago, I think 1607, I am not sure, I met Iggy, and he also called himself Arthur. He built a house on my land, and instructed me to live with him. It was nice, and the house did look weird at first, but I got over that. Two other people, one with a longer yellowish hair and the other having a darker brown hair color, came as well, though, they come just to check on things, then leave. They never stay for long, but at least England stays. I remember they go by France and Spain, and they are nice! France and Spain had different names like Iggy, Francis and Antonio, but they told me to call them France and Spain, like Iggy did. Though, Iggy keeps telling me to call him 'England' instead of Iggy, but I think I like 'Iggy' better.

During one time, they came with two other people, much shorter then them and Iggy, and a tiny bit, me as well, but we are the same height basically. One had the same skin tone as me, and the other had a darker tone, but lighter then the people here, 'natives' as Iggy calles them, so in the middle. They introduced themselves as Canada, the one France brought, and Mexico, the one Spain brought. They had different names as well, Mexico was Diego, and Canada was Matthew. England also introduced me, calling me 'Alfred' I guess thats my second name too, but I also have a third! I don't was to talk about it right now, but I most likely will later. They were fun, but they did have to leave to go back to their lands. It was sad, but I figured I would see them again.

I let myself go on a tangent, sorry! I do not know why I talked about that, but I think that in the future, I would have a hard time remembering and surely if I keep this safe, I could remember all I write down. This gives me an idea! So, hopefully, I can keep writing in this book, when happy or sad, just when important things happen, and then I will be able to reflect later in life! I am excited to see what will happen!

Goodbye for now! America

As he was reading, England remembered when he gave America the journal, but he couldn't remember what else happened during that time. It was all a blur, and hard to make out specific details. It was even pretty hard to think about that! The nations listened, smiling slightly at the lightheartedness of the entry, though France and Spain had the widest smiles. There wasn't very much talking in the room, as England went on to the next one, that had a line dividing the page into two.

1613 - Hello again!

Spain and France came over recently! They brought Canada and Mexico, and so I decided to take them around my land, to give a tour! Canada said it was really hot, while Mexico said it was too cold. It was confusing and made my head hurt... But, other then that, I think they enjoyed it.

Some laughter erupted from that, as Canada and Mexico were laughing the most.

We came across a stream, and I remember catching a fish, and trying to teach them too. It took a while, but they soon figured it out. Then we played in the water, and it was nice. I showed off some of my powers, not for attention but because it seemed fun, and it was! They were really surprised at first, but soon got used to it, and showed some of their magic to! I suspected they knew more then what they showed, but what they did show was that Mexico was good with anything heat related, and Canada was good with anything cold related, also, I can bet they know magic like what mama taught me, which would make sense. I don't know why, but I already knew that I was good in both of their fields, heat and cold. I didn't show this, however, because I didn't want to look like I was just wanting attention or to just feel better then anyone.

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