~Part Two~

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The ex-country grabbed the bag again and placed said bag on the table, while wearing a small smirk. He didn't think there were any very deep or dark secrets, and mostly hoped for fun and lighthearted ones instead. He, along with Matthew, Ivan, and Kiku, knew parts of the Americans past, but he was always so quiet about it, that Prussia only knew of the Revolution, which he helped in, Canada knew about 1812 and some things with colonization since they lived together, though didn't know much apart from that, Japan knew about WW2, namely the Pacific war, and Russia knew about the Cold War. But, if they were forced to say everything they knew about American History, it would miss a lot of what had happened, to Alfred and the country as a whole.

TL;DR, nobody truly knew about his history, which in turn, means nobody knew him. Or, for most, didn't even care to learn. They didn't know, but they didn't think anything to bad has happened to the teen.

Nations from around the room gathered around the bag, and I should note, the bag was really well kept, and had pockets almost all over its surface. It was a dark brown color, and was made of a softer leather, having the american flag on the side to show who's it was. The nations who had lost the argument were very skeptical of looking through, but their curiosity and some persuasion from others had gotten the better of them.

Once they opened it up, they were greeted with a large binder in the middle, and some books on the side. Prussia grabbed the binder, and found it to be HUGE, and also pretty heavy. On the front, it read, "Paperwork" In a very nice handwriting. This took many off guard, as they didn't think he had much paperwork..

Let me explain.

Usually, the nations' boss does paperwork of both internal and external affairs, while the personification is the mascot of sorts, talking and interacting with other nations. America, Russia and China to a smaller degree, was a big exception. Since he had so much to deal with, his president would do the internal stuff, and he was left with all the international business. Since there was so much for both sides as he became a global power, the government quickly came up with this idea, and it does work to a degree.

The nations soon started to look deeper, after not seeing anything but also knowing that there was more inside. They were all pretty curious at this point, and the ones who felt uncomfortable with going through Alfred's bag watched but didn't participate. After a few minutes they soon dug out a pistol, and all stared at the gun in shock. "Why would he..." One asked from the group, before they came to the realization, "Oh yeah, he's american". But they were still in slight shock, because why would he take a gun to a meeting of all things?

Then, after a bit more searching, they came across a very weathered book, which looked like would crumble at the slightest touch. That paused the nations for a while, as they debated if they want to take the risk of disintegrating the book, but after a few minutes, one grabbed it, and found it to actually be very resilient. The country who picked it up was England, and was in the small loop of knowing what happened to America, but after 1812/1815 he was also left in the dark.

Back to the book, when he tried to open it, he got a electric shock, the electricity showing and surprising everyone. Norway, who was apart of the Magic trio consisting of England, himself, and Romania, felt a magical presence the second that the electricity shot, but wasn't able to recognize it. He grabbed the book and stared figurative holes into it, doing mental puzzles to figure this out, but getting nowhere. He looked up at the Brit for a split second with an eyebrow raised, before trying to open the book and getting the same backlash, and looked back at England with a questioning look. Arthur was now starting to understand where Lukas was going with this, and was as confused as he, and basically everyone else, was. "Angleterre, what is going on?" France asked, vocalizing everyone thoughts. "I... uh... am not too sure." Everyone got a bit more confused, and looked from Norway to England and back and forth, wondering how even they didn't know what was going on.

Norway saw all the confusion, and decided to explain. "When a person has magic they have a certain thing to make them stand out. We can see that, but we don't recognize who's magic it is, so in short, we know as much as you do." There were some small 'oh's and hums after that, but most were still confused. Norway turned his attention back down to the book, and then looked back up at England and the group, but focused on England. "It's binding, so perhaps we can unbind it, but then again, we don't know the strength." England nodded a bit, looking down at the book. "How in the world did he get binding..?" He asked himself, but got a shrug from the norwegian.

England stayed quiet for a while, debating on what to do, before looking up at the others, who were staring at him both confused and expectantly. "So.. Should we unbind it?" "I say do it aru. He could be hiding something very important." China said, shrugging. "I say no.. I do agree with Chūgoku (China), but the reason for searing it courd be that he doesn't want peopre to rook through his things." Japan countered, and the two just had a small stare down. "Well, Japan, you did agree with me, right?" Yao asked as Kiku who looked down slightly. "Hai.." "You agreed to what exactly?" "I agreed to him hiding things-" "Okay, so what if they are dangerous to you or someone else aru? He had a gun here for crying out loud!" As the two argued, the nations did see where both were coming from, but did agree with China overall. Japan saw this, and went quiet, not wanting to fight against everyone. "So, unbind i'm guessing?" England asked, cutting in. "Shì de, unbind." China said, smiling a bit from winning. Japan nodded a bit, staying quiet, though in his head, he was talking on and on about how this was a bad idea.

England nodded, and turned to Norway. "You do know the spell, right?" The Brit asked, and Lukas rolled his eyes before glaring slightly at him. "Of course I do." England just squinted at him slightly before, before quickly looking back down at the book, and backing away from the large group. After a few minutes of talking between themselves, they started to mumble gibberish. The book started to glow, and they seemed to get annoyed or tired. "This is some.. really strong binding..." England mumbled, becoming groggy quickly from the amount of magic he was using. Then, a bright light came from the book, blinding everyone there. When the light died down, a person, who was shrouded in shadows stood there. They just stood for a while, and with their own magic, wrote out in the air without even moving, "He needs this. You do too", points at the book, then writes out, "Read it", then disappears.

Everyone was left in shock, and Norway grabbed the book again, and opened it slightly, finding that it wasn't bound anymore, the magic was disabled. He gained Arthur's attention, and just opened it in front of him widely, not getting any backlash from the book. England cleared his throat and looked back at the nations. "Well, its unbound, should we start?" He got some nods, and some very few or quiet 'yes's and such. "Okay, who would like to read first?" Nobody gave an answer, and he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, how bad can it be? But fine, if nobody else will, I will." He stated, Norway handing over the book, and he flipped to the first page that was filled with the same nice handwriting from before.

Dear... Journal, as he called it


((I should note, that entries will be bolded and italicized and memories, when/if we get there, will just be italicized. Underlines, during the writing faze, are difficult for me to handle and I applaud those who can use them without wanting to shoot your brains out. Also, sorry that there were two introduction chapters, it's just how I wrote it lol.))

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