Chapter 2

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(Brookes POV)

Days turned to nights. I lost track of how long it's been since he took me. The amount of bruises I have gained through out this time. Only thing that has been keeping me alive is the thought of seeing my baby girls face one more time, being reunited with jake and my family again. I learned to take the pain and go to a better place when he's around. Every time jake gets close mike gets mad and hits me. I can still remember the night like it was yesterday.

*flash back to the party*

Leaving Isabella for the first time since giving birth was hard. Everyone kept saying how I needed to go out and have one last good time, I was over reacting when I said I didn't feel comfortable going or how I explained I had a bad feeling about tonight. All everyone kept saying was I had separation anxiety. Looking at myself in the mirror I noticed that since giving birth my hips thighs, ass and breast grew in pretty well.

"Why thank you Isabella you blessed your mama."I whispered to myself. Looking through my dresser and closet I finally made up my mind on what I will be wearing. I decided on a white crop top with blue Jean shorts and a black and gold bikini. Jake wasn't going to like this at all. I laughed to myself. Leaving my room I headed downstairs where my friends, brother, parents and daughter was waiting.

  " Babe you look amazing." Jake all but drooled. I laughed at his stupid grin. Realization must of set in cause his face changed from flirty to serious in 2.5 seconds.

" Baby, I think you should change I don't want anyone else looking at you too." He said pouting. Laughing I walked away from him and into the living room where everyone else was. Grabbing my baby girl from my moms hands I held her close.

" Hey baby girl, these ugly people are making me go outside I will be gone for an hour tops." I said smiling down at my precious baby girl. Her eyes were the same color as her dads today. I felt it in my chest not to leave.

  " Sweetheart she will be here when you get home go outside and have fun. You are only a teenager once." My mom said grabbing my baby from me. With watery eyes I kissed my little girls head. Pouting towards Jake cause I knew he would change his mind if I gave the best puppy dog face.

" pwease can we stay home?" I said in a baby voice. He rolled his eyes and grabbed Isabella. For a moment I thought I had actually won. Victory sank in.

" Daddy and mommy love you princess we will be home in a few hours I love you." Jake said while kissing our baby on her forehead and then her cheeks. He smiled down at her one more time before walking over to me.

" Are you ready?" He smugly asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes while going to give my baby one more kiss. I kissed Isabella and then my mother on her cheek as well.

" Now remember I will have my cellphone at all times. Any fussing any crying anything call me." I said sternly. My mother just shook her head and laughed.

"Sweet heart I raised you and your brother I know what I'm doing." She laughed and disappeared upstairs.

  " Are you ready Pumpkin?" Jake smirked at me. Smiling up at him I nodded and we all walked to the car. As soon as we pulled up to the party I still couldn't shake the feeling I've had all day. I didn't feeling like being here I didn't even want to come. Smiling up at Jake I grabbed his hand so hard.

" 30 minutes tops baby girl. If you still want to go in 30 minutes then we will leave. I promise." He reassured me. I smiled and then blushed thinking about the last party I attended. The day he took my virginity. I was interrupted by Jake.

"What has you smiling like a geek?" He asked amusement on his face.

" I was just thinking about the last party I was at." I said blush creeping up my cheeks. He smiled like an idiot at me. Dipping down so he was ear level.

" We can make a remake tonight if you want to." His hot breath fanned my neck. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought. We were soon interrupted by our friends.

"Come on love birds the pools in the back and the booze is in the kitchen!" Mason yelled over the music. I laughed and shook my head while Jake led me to the kitchen for a drink.

*End of flash back*

  My thoughts were interrupted by the room door being unlocked and opened. Mike popped his head in and then came completely into the room before locking the door behind him and hiding the key.

"Well don't you look shitty today." Mike snickered looking down on me. I literally been wearing this bikini with a long shirt for two months now. Yes I shower but I have to rewash what I have. He keeps me locked in this room there's a balcony and trust me I tried jumping out the window that's why my leg is currently broken along with stitches on my forehead. I looked at him with nothing but disgust. I felt the vomit thick in my throat but I didn't want him to see me weak.

" I can imagine since I haven't been able to sleep due to my pain." I said sarcastically. His face held no emotion. He just shook his head and turned on the tv. Watching as the news came on I seen myself. Missing above my name. Jake and my friends and family giving a statement pleading for my return. My baby Isabella she got bigger. My heart ached not being there for my daughter. Not being able to hold her. My eyes swelled with tears looking at my baby. Mike looked at me satisfied to see my pain.

" don't worry baby girl, we are going to make our own child. I'll be back in a few with a few clothes. Tomorrow night will be your ovulation day, we will do it then." He smiled and kissed my cheek. My face heated with anger. Stomach flipped and the vomit I was holding in  flew out right into the trash can. As soon as mike I'm was gone I cried I couldn't help it any more. Seeing my family, Jake and my princess Isabella I couldn't hold it together I needed to find a way out. I looked around helplessly. Nothing but a window a balcony and a tv and in the bathroom wasn't much. It hit me I can hack into the cable if I can find away to do that I can find a way to access some kind of internet through  the tv. I got the brainstorming  after what felt like 4 hours I finally gave up. The sound of keys got my attention and I crawled into the bed.

" I got you under wear, some pants and shirts and jackets. I want you to look nice tomorrow. I'll be bringing you dinner in an hour hopefully you will look more decent then you do now." He sarcastically said. I just rolled my eyes at him. That's when I noticed his watch. He looked amused. Tilting his head while looking at me.

  "Do you want the watch to tell the time? Or do you just want to go with sun and moon time?" He didn't even bother to hide his cocky grin either. I just looked blankly at him. He rolled his eyes and huffed, taking off the watch and tossing it at me.

  " Knock yourself out. If this isn't torcher enough I never thought to have you watch the time go dreadfully slow. I didn't say anything just looked at him blankly. Rolling his eyes he walked out the door and locked it. This is it this is how I'm getting saved. I thought to myself.

Hey loves I am honestly rusty but tell me wat you think I know this chapter was longer I feel thoughts rushing in me lml but let me know wat you think

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