Chapter 9

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(Brookes POV)

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I've been home. I wish I could say nothing changed but that would be a lie. Before the kidnapping I was able to go shopping alone, the park alone. I can't even go to the library or even the bathroom alone. Jake has been obsessively overprotective. He has a right to be, I haven't exactly helped either. Some nights I get these nightmares of being back there. Sometimes I can't help it. He still puts fear in my heart. Isabella is amazing though. She's the happiest baby you can ever meet. Her cheeks are chunky, her eyes are big and wide. They change between sky blue and grey. My mom cried for three days when they let me come home. Everything just felt weird. Every time I opened my eyes I was scared to be back at that place. I just didn't know what to do anymore.

"Hey blue bug, how are you feeling?" Jason came in interrupting my thoughts. I half smiled.

"I honestly feel fine." I didn't have to try masking anything, Jason already knew me, how I was feeling even when I would lie.

"Sis, it's going to be okay. I promise we will all get through this." He said wrapping me in his warm embrace. We both sat there in comfortable silence, until he popped up looking like a jack-in-a-box toy.

"LETS GO TO THE GYM!" He shouted. This must of been one of those golden thoughts he got. I looked at him startled.

"The gym?" I asked confusion on my face. He just smirked while patting my head.

"Yeah dummy. That would be the best way to get your anger out. It will also prepare you for an what if moment." He nonchalantly said. I looked utterly confused now. He completely had me gone with the wind.

"Dude instead of hiding out the rest of you're life, the gym would be the perfect place. You can take out anger, build muscle, courage and face you're fears." He sounded like he was selling someone a house or a trip or life insurance. I thought for a while it would be nice to go outside. After all I do need to learn self defense.

  "Let's do it. I'm going to ask mom if she can watch Isabella for a few hours." I said going downstairs into the living room where my mother sat playing with her granddaughter.

"Hey mom will you be able to watch Ella for a few hours?" I asked hoping she was able to. Her eyes beamed with excitement. She sure did love her granddaughter.

"Of course sweetheart. I love spending time with this beautiful angel." She said. Her face went from beaming happy to serious.

"The both of you better be careful. Jason do not take your eyes off of her." She said a tone of seriousness and a hint of fear in her voice. I understood my mother, if Isabella was missing for 4 months I would not let her out of my sight at all.

  "Mom I know this. We are going to be fine I promise." Jason said sincere. Going upstairs I decided to throw on a pair of black Nike leggings,a black Nike sports bra and a loss white crop top. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt disgusted. My whole body was still healing. My gunshot wound was a scar now. My face had some scars as well the one on my forehead and another on my left cheek. I still have some healing bruises as well. In all honesty I didn't like how I looked. I started doubting if I should go out like this or cover up. Not thinking twice I threw on a grey and black PINK sweater and my Nike running shoes. I was deep in my looks when my brother came into my room.

  "Hey you ready?" He asked looking to see if everything was okay. I forgot they said they didn't want me closing my room door unless I was Changing or Jake was here.

  "Yeah let's go before I flake on you." I sarcastically said. If you ask me I wasn't joking, I honestly hate how I look now.

  "Girl bye the only thing you flaking on is arm muscles and strength." He laughed. I scoffed and laughed at his poor attempt to act like a female. Grabbing my gym bag that consisted of extra change of clothes we both walked to the car. On our way to the gym I constantly thought about bumping into anyone from school, I pray that it doesn't happen. I don't need the whole school talking about me. Especially how I was looking. My thoughts once again got interrupted.

"Penny for you're thoughts blue bug?" My brother said looking curiously at me. I smiled. I loved how he was always so concerned, well before I did now I just think it's a lot, I feel like since I been home all everyone does is worry about me. I feel like a burden to everyone. I honestly agreed to this so I can get all of them off my back for once. I hope it actually works. As I was in my thoughts it had felt like someone was watching me with burning eyes. I held my breath while looking around us. Jason must of noticed my discomfort because he was alert. His eyes examining every inch of the gym.

"Come one blue bug lets go put our stuff in the lockers and get this workout ready." He said trying to ease my mind. I just nodded and followed him. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but the distraction is clearly needed to let the work out begin.


*hello lovely readers how are you enjoying the story so far? I know it has more details then the first one. But continue the read let me know how you like the story comment share later love bugs 😘

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