Chapter 11

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(Brookes POV)

*waawaaaa(baby crying)*Turning over in bed I looked at the time. It was 4:15 in the morning. Isabellas cries are heard through the baby monitor. Looking next to me I was met with Jakes lovely sleeping face.

"Ugh I guess I'll get up huh." I sarcastically said while rolling my eyes and getting out the bed. Walking to the crib I noticed Isabella sleeping, if my baby is asleep who's doing the crying? I thought to myself. I turned the monitor off and walked out of the room and into the room we made into a nursery for Isabella when I was comfortable with her sleeping alone. Opening the door I'm met with my brother Jason, he wasn't alone.

"Jason what the hell is going on? It's 4:15 in the morning what..." I was cut off by a whine. Confusion scrunched on my face. Walking towards him I didn't give him a chance to say a word. Looking inside of my babies crib was a beautiful baby boy. His eyes where a honey brown with a hint of green, still wide and stained with tears. He had curly dirty blond hair. His skin looks so smooth with a hint of color in his cheeks. Looking between my brother and the crying baby I realized what was going on. Instead of thinking twice I picked him up and rocked him.

"Where's his mother?" I questioned my brother. He looked at me stress evident in his face.

"I honestly have no idea, she left him on our door step with a note. How can I have not known I had a child." He ran his hand down his face. My heart broke a little. What kind of women leaves a baby on someone's door step? What if no one would of went outside or checked the front. I noticed the baby trying to get the best body heat from me. He was cold hungry and wet I noticed. I decided to take him into the room with me grabbing some diapers, a couple of bottles, some clothes and blankets. I changed his diaper and put him on a grey shirt some grey socks and a white and grey stripper footie pajama. Once he was dressed I wrapped him in a swaddle blanket. Once he was warm and comfortable I handed him to Jason. I went back into the room opening the mini fridge we had storing breast milk. Going to the kitchen I ran the milk under warm water to help warm it up for him. Transferring it into the bottle I made sure it wasn't too hot and wasn't cold. Once I was upstairs I noticed Jason looking down on him. He has so many emotions flowing, guilt as the main one.

"Jay it's going to be okay. Now that you know about him I'm sure you will not let him go. Here would you like to feed him or do you want me to?" I asked holding the bottle out.

"Jaxson, that's his name." He said grabbing the bottle while smiling down on the baby boy. I smiled looking at my brother with such aww. I never thought I would see my brother being a father, but I know now that he would do anything for that baby.

  "If you need my help with anything you can come wake me." I said rubbing the sleep out my eye. 

  "Okay go ahead and get some rest before Isabella wakes." He said smiling up at me. I gave him and the baby a kiss on their cheek and then made my way back to bed.

   "Hey is everything okay? I thought I heard a baby crying?" Jakes sleepy voice came out saying.

   "Yeah just go back to bed." I softly spoke while cuddling into him. He just hummed back to sleep, and soon sleep took over me again.
I felt my body being woken up out of my sleep.

"Baby wake up, it's one in the afternoon." Jakes soothing voice spoke.

"Mmmm." I groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed snuggling deeper into the blankets. He just chuckled. I felt satisfied when I heard his retreating foot steps. Smiling I started dozing off again, until I felt little hands on my face. Opening my eyes I was greeted with big grey ones. My daughter started smiling at me while rubbing my face.

"Good afternoon pretty baby. You came to wake mommy up?" I smiled while grabbing her in my arms and laying us down comfortably snuggled into the blankets. She didn't fight it either, instead she laid her head on my chest while rubbing her face.

"If you to don't get up and start getting ready I will drag you both out of bed!" Jake spoke sternly but it came out soft. I just laughed because Isabella had already fallen asleep.

"Well looks like we aren't going anywhere today." I sarcastically said. He just huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Baby this is my last year in high school and then I graduate. You need to get up because we both have to head to get our schedule." He said throwing clothes at me. After he took Isabella to get ready I decided to crawl out of bed. My anxiety was rising at the thought of having to go back to school. I wonder what people would say or are saying about me. Maybe they forgot about me. Ugh I decided to just hop in the shower and get this whole day over with. When I got out of the shower I looked at the clothes Jake threw. Laughing I shook my head and walked towards the walk in closet. I decided on black leggings and a white crop top. I threw on my black and white vans and threw my hair up in a messy bun. Only applying a light coat of mascara and some eyeliner I was ready to go. Walking into the kitchen I'm greeted by my mother and brother conversing and my new nephew Jaxson. He was rocking in Isabella's swing sound asleep. He's so cute aww I can't believe him and Isabella get to grow up together. My thoughts were interrupted by my mother raising her voice.

  "What the fuck you mean you don't know where his mother is!" She got quieter when she noticed Jaxson stir in his sleep.

   "Mom she literally left him in the F*cking cold on our door step!" At this point my brother was annoyed.

"Listen both of you woke him up. He's been through enough for a little baby and he's our now so either treat him like you treat Isabella or act like you don't see him or acknowledge him, either way he's staying!" I snapped while grabbing Jaxson. He started crying until he was safely in my arms. I looked down at his face he was an exact twin of my brothers. My heart was swollen at the thought that someone would really leave their baby outside in 20 degree weather. I looked up at my mother and brother.

" you have and hour to figure out what you plan on doing, this baby isn't going anywhere he's part of our family, and we don't turn our backs on family." And with that I turned away.  Leaving my mother brother and Jake shocked at my outburst.


Hello love bugs 🥺💓 how is everything so far.... how do you guys feel about this story so far??? Feel free to text me with ideas and opinions 😘 have a fun reading lovely readers 😘😘

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