Chapter 8

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(Brookes POV)

Beeping... that's all I heard, loud beeping. My head was pounding. Everything was hurting. I felt like if I moved my whole body will fall apart. Trying to open my eyes was harder then anything. They felt so heavy they didn't lift open at all. What was going on why couldn't I open my eyes.

"She's stable. I really wish we was able to identify her and let her family know she's here." A deep voice said.

"Yeah but doesn't she kind of look like that girl who was missing a couple of months ago?" A female voice asked. A couple of months ago how long have I been here? Where is here? What is going on? Jake where is Jake? Where is my daughter Isabella?

"Omg did you not just see that?" The female squeaked out.

"What are you talking about?" The man said. My finger it's my finger it's moving. Yes I'm waking up.

"Her hands are  moving." The female said. My eyes fluttered open for a millisecond before shutting again. Squeezing hard I opened my eyes again. I was greeted by bright lights. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light and when they finally did I looked at a male doctor and a nurse.

"Hello sweetheart can you tell us you're name?" The nurse asked. Her voice soft like moms.
"W-where am I? What happened?" Was all I can utter out. They both looked concerned. The doctor flashing his flashlight in my eyes. I was confused as to what he was doing until he squatted In front of me.

"Hello honey can you please follow the light with you're eyes." He said. I got a glimpse of his name tag. Dr. Cordner. I wonder what his first name is. Maybe I'll thank him with a fruit basket. I did as was told following the light was easy, how ever sitting up was a mission. The amount of pain flaring everywhere. My whole body was facing pain left and right.

"Ahhhh!!" I cried out in pain while trying to sit up. The nurse and doctor were at my side in 2.5 seconds.

"It's okay sweetie we will be giving you something for the pain soon we just need to know your name so we can access you're file. See what you are allergic to and what not contact you're family." The nurse said softly.

"Brooke." Was all I could manage through the pain. The nurses face light up like the forth of July.

"I knew it. I put the pieces together. I'm on my way to call you're family." With that she ran out of the room. Dr.Cordner just smiled and shook his head, it was the same thing Jake used to do whenever I did something to make him laugh.

"Sorry about my wife, she gets overly excited about things like weddings and finding people." He apologized with a soft smile on his face. My throat was so dry that even if I tried to talk it would just be raspy. In that moment the nurse came bouncing in.

"I got in contact with you're family they are on their way right now. Awww I love happy endings I'm so glad you get to be reunited with you're family and everything!" She screeched with excitement. I just looked at her. My family. Everyone would be coming and I looked like crap. The doctor must of seen disappointment on my face as he interrupted her happy dance. 

"Alright Claudia, honey you know how it is with freshly out of coma patients. Please calm down you might be startling her." He said calmly. I noticed her mood went from excited to ashamed.

"It's okay honestly I'm excited to see my family too, it's just the pain it's hard to laugh through." I half smiled.

"Nurse Cordner, can you please bring me a syringe and a dose of morphine. Don't worry we going to take the pain away so you will be able to enjoy the reunion with your family. After all it's been around 3 1/2 months since you been missing." As soon as he finished that sentence I realized it's been 3 1/2 months. I've been in a coma for a month. I was shocked. I didn't expect it to have been that much time. That means my daughter will be four months this month. I missed so much already. I missed her rolling over, laughing. I wonder who she resembles now.

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