Chapter 3

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(Brookes POV)

Taking apart the back of the watch I noticed it was a brand new Apple Watch. Rolling my eyes I internally laughed. How stupid can he be to let me have this? Did he forget I was a science geek. My face widened with hope. Vibrations is all I felt I finally got into the cable and wifi. My heart leaped with joy as I logged into my apple account. All I needed was 5 minutes before I was able to share my location with Jake. I know he will get the notification and be able to track me down. After all he's a hacker he can't be as dumb as I thought he was.

" Please find me Jake, bring me home to our baby." I said barley above a whisper. Hope fluttering in my chest. I really hope it works. I sighed. As soon as I heard the keys I hid the watch. Walking in with a tray and a wide smile was Mike. I don't understand why he's acting as if this is normal.

"Hope you hungry for burgers. I remember they are your favorite." He said with his sickly smirk. I just huffed and rolled my eyes while turning away from him. Between rolling my eyes and turning to face my back towards me he must of gotten angry, next thing I knew throbbing pain shot up my side causing me to fall over. He wrapped my hair around his hand and yanked me up. I didn't cry. My lip quivered but I didn't let him see me cry. He took this opportunity to punch me the heat of his fist, then the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

"I really don't want to hurt you anymore but you just bring out the worst in me." He said sighing. After 5 seconds of watching me carefully he finally walked out of the room and locked the door. I broke down everything in me just caved in. My heart ached, my body in pain. My leg had finally healed only for him to hurt me way worst. Crawling to get up I smashed my cast against the wall little by little it cracked until it finally all fell apart.

" I will be home baby I promise." I whispered hope still lingering in my voice. Going into the bathroom I cleaned myself up and started thinking of a plan. One of way or another I will get out of here alive. If it's the last thing I do.

(Jakes POV)

I've been here everyday waiting for some kind of sign as to where my beautiful baby girl could be. My heart always aching. I wish I knew where my angel was. Isabella needed her mom. Her little eyes looking up at me.

" I promise princess we will find mommy." Sadness filled my voice. Mason walked in face dropping. He looked at Isabella and his face changed.

" Hey pretty girl. Uncle Mason is here to get you." He cooed looking at my daughter. All of a sudden I heard a ding. It came in faint and then a bunch of dings back to back. Hanging Isabella to Mason I checked what was going off on my computer. It was a location. Someone was sharing a location with me. Clicking on the location I noticed it was an hour away from us.

" Holy shit!" I shouted standing up, startling Isabella and Mason. They looking confused.

"What the fuck dude! You scared the hell out of us!" Mason shouted. He cradled my daughter to his chest to soothe her.

"We found her." Was all that came out. Grabbing my leather, throwing on some boots and grabbing my glock I walked with Mason and Isabella to the living room. Waiting there was Brookes mom and dad along with my parents and her brother Jason.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked curiously.

"I found her. Get up let's go." I said to Jason. Without a word he ran to his room. Brookes mother was crying tears of joy. I took Isabella out of Masons hands. Giving her a kiss on the cheek and cuddling her to my chest.

"I promised baby I would bring mommy home and I meant it." I whispered quietly to my daughter she looked up at me and in that moment all hope felt alive. After handing Isabella to her grandmother me, Jason and Mason met up with Beast. This was it I'm getting my baby back.


* I know such a short chapter but trust me the next one will be better*

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