Chapter 4

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(Brookes POV)

     My fingers cramped as I sat there tying each and every sheet I had available. I was determined to escape. Hearing his foot steps I lunged off the bed to hide the sheets. As soon as I put the out of sight I ran and laid under the sheets he can't see that I took my cast off. Unlocking the door he peaked his head in.

  "You hungry? Or are you going to act like an ungrateful bitch tonight?" Sarcasm laced in his voice. My heart was racing. I just wanted him to leave so I can finally escape. The lunch from earlier he thought I ate in when in reality I put it away in a bag I found in the closet along with some of the clothes he bought. He looked at me up and down. I couldn't read his expression at all it was masked.

"You seem a little to calm. What do you plan on doing you disgusting pig!" I yelled as loud as I could. I didn't see it coming but stinging sensation shut me up. I looked up at him. His smirk stuck right on his face. My blood boiled I didn't register what happened next, my hand came in contact with his face. Pale that's exactly how I looked, all the blood draining from it. That's when his angry fist came flying out to me. Blow after blow, he didn't stop until he seen blood oozing out of me.

"This is the thanks I get." He spit out with disgust.

"Clean this mess, dinner is there for you." He seethed with anger. I thank gooodness for him stopping him self. I don't know if it was the anger, or the adrenaline in my veins but slapping him was out of no where. Once I heard the door lock and his retreating foot steps I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. Collecting all the things I needed I headed for the balcony. The first time I was stupid enough to jump this time I'm ready I didn't bother to wipe the blood off my face, If I was leaving I was doing it now. Tying the blankets to the balcony railing I prepared myself. Letting go the blanket rope I made touched the bottom, I quickly started slowly going down. As soon as my feet touched the ground I did nothing but Run. I didn't stop keeping my breath steady like a track star. My only target was getting as far as I can from Mike. I felt the wind gushing as I ran. Fresh air I thought to myself. I stopped about 20 minutes out. Spotting  a bunch of rocks I found one large enough for me to be able to sit under. *snap* I dropped as fast as I could and held my breath when I heard that twig snap. Hiding underneath the rock in front of a beautiful river.

  " Yes mom I can't wait either we going to have a beautiful baby boy. Yes she can't wait to see you again as well." Mikes voice was right behind me. My face dropping my gut swirling in fear. Did he know I was here is that why he was standing there. A whole bunch of scary thoughts ran through my head. My heart pounding so loud I thought he was able to hear it as well.

"Okay mom I have to get back into the house don't need my knew fiancé to think I've abandoned her." He chuckled into the phone. I heard him sigh before his retreading foot steps. I don't know how long I sat there, scared to move I waited a while before anything. *bang bang!!*
   The sound of gunshots shook me out of my current state. He must have found out I was gone now. My heart pounded as hard as ever I can't keep running I'm exhausted. Looking at the river I didn't think twice before jumping in and letting it take me where ever it ended. The water in the river started to pick up speed. I couldn't fight the water my ribs are bruised one must have been cracked as well. I remember camping with dad, he always told me once I notice a river flowing faster then before then at the end of that river will be a waterfall. I prepared myself for the drop. My body ached in so much pain. My heart body and soul are messed up all together, but I promised my daughter and family that I will be back home, and I always keep a promise.

*Hey love bugs how's everyone's day going I'm curious as to how you guys like the story so far please feel free to comment on anything and as always have a bright and shiny day 😘

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